Aino, who had interrupted, was in contact with men outside of filming

They tried to arrange a speed date for Aino, but they did not succeed.

For Aino, the farm is a sideline and a way of life. He is a special education teacher by profession. MTV3

A bride for the farmer – dropped out of the program Aino provide reasons for the suspension. It takes place alongside the main series All the stories -version, the second episode of which can already be found on paid C More. Maikkari will see the opening part today.

Aino, who runs a farm established in the 16th century on Tarvasjoki, received five letters from interested men. There were a few contacts that made a woman in her forties interested in the author and want to meet him. However, that didn’t happen in the end.

– They tried to arrange a speed date for me with three men in Naantali, but two of them reported an obstacle. Then it was decided this way for me, Aino tells the cameras.

He reveals that he has been in contact with these men outside of filming.

– They are nice people, but actual dating is not coming.

In the sister series to All Stories, among other things, the progress of the romances of Jan, who lives in Urjala, is followed. The only one in the picture in the middle. MTV3

As a whole, Aino considers the experience of being a bride to Maajuss very emotional, but at the same time also absolutely amazing. He got a lot that he couldn’t even expect in advance.

– I made new friends and this whole project has been a really great adventure, Aino thanks.

He does not deny the ultimate reason for participating in the series. Above all, he expected to find a partner, but now he was left without one. Aino would still like to fall in love and love.

– I miss a genuine partnership. Sometimes you hear that some have met in a nursing home. If only I could find a partner by then, so that I wouldn’t have to wait until my nineties, Aino hopes in the series.

– I miss and need it. And I have a right to it!

Vappu Pimiä hosts Maajussi’s series The Bride: All Stories instead of Tammisto. David OWeger, MTV3

Bride for Maajussi: All the stories today on MTV3 at 19:30, Katsomossa & C Morella. See program information for streaming services at Telku.
