One in six teenagers could be betting online

16.5% of teenagers You could be placing bets online. This is one of the main conclusions of the 5th b-resol barometer about the conflicts, mental illnesses and violence that take place in educational centers and which is published this week taking advantage of the start of the school year.

61.5% of ESO students believe that their classmates abuse video games

This edition’s barometer is based on a survey of 2,500 ESO adolescents made in 13 centers in Catalonia where they use the b-resol appwhich allows you to alert about conflicts in the classroom through your mobile phone.

According to Josep Figolsco-founder and CEO of BCN RESOLS, “the results obtained seem alarming to us. In addition to online betting, we have seen that 61.5% of those surveyed believe that their colleagues abuse video games. This is data that will help us act accordingly.” 57.2% also believe that students access pornographic content via Internet.

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As for the Eating Disorders (ED), the survey shows that 9.3% have suffered from them during the last school year. “The barometer data highlights a serious problem such as eating disorders and we believe that it is not officially given the importance it deserves. We are talking about 1 in 10 adolescents. Furthermore, it should be noted that the majority – 83.4% – are girls. There is a lot of work to be done at the level of information and awareness,” explains Maria Teixidor, co-founder of BCN RESOL.

The barometer also shows the effectiveness of this technological solution to detect cases of bullyingcyberbullying or other types of violence within the educational environment. In these centers, only 5.2% of the students had the perception of having been harassed at school and a mere 0.9% through the Internet. This is a much lower figure compared to centers that lack these tools or that have not developed a protection and good treatment policy, where several studies and analyzes estimate that one in four adolescents suffer harassment.
