“I’m not going to be able to rebuild my life”

First she was savagely raped by five men in a doorway in Pamplona during the Sanfermines 2016. Then, he suffered harassment from another “virtual pack” that, from the network anonymityquestioned and insulted her for months, taking advantage of the dissenting vote of the judge who saw “jolgorio” in the video that his rapists recorded. Now, the victim of La Manada tries to understand and digest why justice has reduced the sentence to one of his attackers.

“Once again they leave me at the feet of horses, I will never be able to rebuild my life”. These were the young woman’s first words, according to the victim’s entourage to OPEN CASE, after learning that the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra changes the prison sentence from 15 to 14 years. Angel Bozain application of the law of ‘yes means yes’, as the condemned man had requested.

A law that he did not ask for

Your lawyer, Teresa Hermidaalready works in the resource with which they will oppose before the Supreme Court to this judicial decision and regrets the “devastating effect” that the TSJN resolution has had on the victim and his family. “She does not understand that a law that almost bears her name, even though she never asked for it or championed it, has ended up benefiting one of her rapists. She feels disappointed and, most worrying, revictimized again,” she denounces. .

The reduction in Boza’s sentence is a serious blow to the recovery process of the young woman, who has been in prison for seven years. psychological treatment, he had to abandon his university studies and even leave for at least three months to live abroad. “This judicial decision for her is the straw that breaks the camel’s back in a process to which the girl does not see the end“Laments Hermida.


“She has the feeling that they will never let her get over what she has suffered. When it seems that she is moving forward, with a lot of effort, something always comes along that takes her back to the day of the rape and starting over,” she adds.

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The lawyer remembers that the victim already had to face the leak of your personal data and even the images of her sexual assault: “We are talking about a very young girl who has been sexually assaulted, questioned and publicly insulted by her rapists and by some judgesquestioned by a part of society, harassed on social networks, who has seen her name and even the center where she studies published everywhere, who has endured one of her attackers writing her a fictitious letter of forgiveness to try to obtain prison permits…”

The decision of the TSJN is “the straw that breaks the camel’s back” in the entire journey that the victim has been carrying on her shoulders for seven years,” adds Hermida. The lawyer points out that the girl is very grateful “to all those people, especially women, who have always defended and supported her”, but remembers “the importance for a rape victim to feel that she can trust the system, the institutions“. A trust that, in view of everything that happened, in the case of the victim attacked by La Manada is increasingly “decreased.”
