The Comuns urge Aragonès to negotiate the budgets and not give up on the legislature “for lost”

The Common They do not understand why, on September 12, the ‘president’ Pere Aragones has not yet begun to negotiate the new budgets of the Generalitat for 2024. This is what the party spokesperson in the Parliament has expressed, David Cid, who has asked the head of the executive to demonstrate that he has the “will to finish the legislature” and that “it makes sense” to do so. “The ‘president’ considered the general elections lost, it is necessary that he not consider the legislature lost,” he added.

In this sense, he has indicated on the horizon the general policy debate, which will be held the last week of September, as an “opportunity” to demonstrate this willingness to continue leading the Government, although he has been pessimistic with the results obtained so far. Cid has reproached Aragonès for having approved only two laws at the initiative of the Government – that of the creation of the Lluçanés region and that of the stabilization of civil servants -, although there are others in progress such as historical memory. “I want to think that when you believe in self-government you also exercise it,” he stated.

However, he has asked the Government to open a “new stage” and to leave “the excuses behind.” “We need a strong Government with the capacity to govern. That has a clear direction, that knows where it wants to go and that wants to lead all the challenges that Catalonia has to face,” he stressed. The spokesman for the Comuns has also asked that the accounts agreed for this year be completed, although he has not been particularly critical of the current pace. According to the PSC, at the end of July, 55% of the planned resources had already been executed.

General policy debate overshadowed

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The notice of the Comuns arrives at the doors of the general policy debate, where the lack of support from the Government of Pere Aragonès can once again be evident, which has only 33 deputies, of the 135 that make up the Chamber. Precisely, it was this plenary session last year, when the Government crisis began that ended with the departure of Junts from the executive, after the dismissal of vice president Jordi Puigneró and the consultation of the party’s bases.

This year’s debate will coincide with the investiture plenary session of the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The Parliament set September 26, 27 and 28 as the date to hold the plenary session months ago and, according to sources from the Catalan chamber, no group has asked to change it.
