plot and cast |iO Donna

QWhen everything seems over, life still has some surprises in store. Kurt Seyit and Sura, the protagonists of the Turkish series The girl and the officer – broadcast tonight at 9.50pm on Channel 5 with the penultimate episode – they are dealing with new twists. In Istanbul there’s a lot of commotion: Petro sells the hotel, Alya is guilty of a crime and Seyit sees Sura again.

10 series based on books: to read and watch (or vice versa)

The girl and the officerthe plot of the fifteenth episode

The fifteenth episode revolves around the last events between the Russian girl and the officer before the grand finale. The morning after the wedding, Seyit (Kivanc Tatlitug) wants to have breakfast in a downtown café. The mother-in-law Emine (Zerrin Tekindor) is furious, since she has already banned the table. It doesn’t matter, why he and his wife Mürvet (Fahriye Evcen) spend the day in the city and they take advantage of it for a little romantic getaway. She shows her their future home in Pera, but when they return to Emine a fight breaks out.

The woman absolutely does not want her daughter to go and live elsewhere and lashes out at Seyit. The officer, however, does not react. He turns and goes to the room. Mürvet is between two fires. On the one hand, he understands his mother’s fear. On the other hand, she would like to start a new life with her husband. So he explains to Seyit that, in reality, Emine is just afraid of losing her.

At this point, Seyit reveals his dream to her. He would like to open a restaurant serving typical dishes in Pera, which highlights the recipes of his land and his childhood. Furthermore, he dreams of being able to welcome all refugees. They are not bad people, as they are described, but simply desperate after losing everything.

“The Girl and the Officer,” Kivanc Tatlitug and Farah Zeynep Abdullah as Kurt Seyit and Sura, respectively. (Mediaset)

Seyit finds out that Sura is going to marry Petro

In the second episode, Sabri (Durukan Çelikkaia) makes a revelation that has disastrous consequences. She reveals to Seyit that Sura (Farah Zeynep Abdullah) has become engaged to Petro Borinsky (Birkan Sokullu). The reaction is violent, but at that moment Lütfi (Kadir Çermik) arrives, bringing bad news. Celil Kamilof (Ushan Çakir) is seriously injured and needs treatment.

Meanwhile Ayse (Melissa Asli Pamuk) is jealous of Seyit, even though he is a married man. She is annoyed by the loving attention that the officer reserves for her woman. Furthermore, she asks Hakki (Bora Koçak) to accompany her to her father. Güzide (Elçin Sangu) discovers that Celil is injured and tries to convince Yahya (Tolga Savaci) not to leave for Ankara, where he wants to move with his family and start a new life. Unfortunately, Yahya has already made up his mind: they will leave soon.

After the short trip with Hakki, Ayse lets Mürvet know what happened when Seyit found out that Sura is about to marry Petro. For Mürvet it is yet another disappointment to swallow. In the end, Alya (Demet Özdemir) is ready to avenge her brother and finds an accomplice in Petro. In exchange, however, he asks her for the letter that Billy (Cem Bender) keeps so carefully.

Alya kills Benny, Celil is injured, and Sura is about to leave

While in, Sura is having dinner with Valentina (Seda Güven) and wonders what happened to Alya. She is in Billy’s room and wants him to give her Baroness Lola’s letter. Billy refuses and explains to her that if she reads the letter she will be in grave danger. Alya doesn’t believe him and shoots him. She grabs the letter and has to decide who to give it to: Petro or Seyit?

He goes to Seyit, but Mürvet is not enthusiastic about it. Kurt, however, offers to host her. In the meantime, Petro asks for her at the hotel and everyone starts looking for her. They don’t have time to find her, because the English soldiers arrive: Alya is suspected of murder. At Seyit’s house, the officer comes up with a plan to get her safely and quickly too. Martial law is established in Pera and arrests follow one after the other.

Celil is still injured, but accompanies Seyit to Pera. He hides in the laundry room, while Kurt goes to the hotel and discovers that Sabri has been arrested. The troubles don’t end there, because Petro announces that he has sold the hotel and that the new owners will arrive shortly. Alya then reveals to Mürvet that Sura is a girl with a good heart and that she is about to leave the country. Mürvet reports this to Ayse. Again, Seyit plans an assault on the prison, but Celil risks big because the wound reopens and he is bleeding.

Kivanç Tatlitug and Farah Zeynep Abdullah in the series “The Girl and the Officer”. (Mediaset)

The girl and the officerSura faints in Seyit’s arms

At the hotel, Petro receives Alya’s letter, who threatens him by saying that if he doesn’t let her escape safely, she will hand it over to Seyit. So Borinsky returns to Sura and tells her that they must bring forward the wedding and departure for Englanddue to the commotion that arose in Pera.

And here comes the twist. Seyit receives a letter saying that Valentina and Sura’s mother have disappeared. The reaction reveals his true feelings, repeatedly put to the test by the obstacles of fate. The girl and the officer meet in the pharmacy. Seyit arrives just as she says goodbye to the owner, saying that she will get married the next day.

When their eyes meet, Sura tells Seyit that he is leaving Istanbul because everything there reminds him of him and she is certain that she would not be able to carry on. He gives her a letter and, as soon as he reads about the disappearance of her mother and sister, Sura faints in her arms.

