Russian spy in Dutch intelligence service accused of landverraad | Buitenland

A worker from the German Federal Republic of Germany in the BND light service and a valuable henchman who was previously accused of land Verraad. Ze was suspected of having secret information about the Russian invasion of the Oekraine from the Russian Intelligence Service (FSB) and the door.

The BND worker, identified as Carsten L., was sent to Berlin on December 21 and is now in the past. Federal prosecutors assess that the information contained in Carsten L. Deelde is state secret, which is seriously misdrijf.

Carsten L. zou in total negen internal BND documents were printed and photographed in various moments in September and October last year. Hij deed dat vanop zijn werkplek in Berlin en buiten Munich.

The accuser’s grandchildren are the documents that had been recorded on the technical basis of the information. There were no sea details.

The vermoedelijke medeplichtige, Arthur E., will be parked in January in the year outside the federal state. The German citizen trad naar verluidt op als tussenpersoon door de documents van Carsten L. naar Russian spies in Russia te brengen.

Vijf jaar dead levensland

The two suspects were reported in 2021 in September by a Rus who brought them into contact with the FSB. The accusers put the Arthur E. various bijeenkomsten bijwoonde in Moscow and the Carsten L. hem nadien hielp om langs de douane te komen bij zijn terugkeer. The politie arresteerde Arthur E. op de luchthaven van Munich nadat hij uit de Verenigde Staten terugkeerde naar Germany.

As a result of the open ministry, the federal government is now working with the BND and the American FBI. The Russian lighting service for Carsten L. 450,000 euros and Arthur E. Zeker 400,000 euros raised betaald. The illegal punishment for land Verraad in Germany varies from a prison sentence of several years to the levenslang.
