Harry Mens demolishes Mona Keijzer after meeting: ‘She is very stupid’

Harry Mens is not at all impressed by Mona Keijzer. In fact, he once met the potential BBB Prime Minister and thinks she’s a bit stupid. “It really is such a party chicken.”


We are no longer allowed to call her a prime minister candidate, but that is how she was presented by Caroline van der Plas: the party-hopping Mona Keijzer. The potential BBB prime minister was also a guest on Harry Mens’ program and that left a bad impression on him. He doesn’t like her at all.

‘Stupid Mona’

An interview is only successful ‘if the other party accelerates’, Harry says in the programme Mischa on NPO Radio 1. “For example, I once had Mona Keijzer in my program and I thought she was a nice person. I think: well here we go… Then I had a prepared conversation with her and then she sits down.”

And then? “Then it’s like throwing a guilder into the machine and then she starts throwing the whole CDA tune. She completely ignores what we discussed beforehand. One of those party chickens that stays in the chicken coop for a while. I think so, yes… I thought it was stupid.”

Pam Fortuyn

Harry’s favorite interview guest ever? The murdered politician Pim Fortuyn. “It’s a bit of an open door kick, but of course it was always a party with Pim Fortuyn. It more or less started with me. He was already busy, of course, but he wasn’t well known at the time.”

What made him so special? “Unpredictable, you never had to practice with him. He would come in and I would sometimes say: ‘Pim, what should we talk about?’ “Yes, do that Melkert again,” he would say.”

Turn around

What does Harry actually think of Pieter Omtzigt, who is now making things difficult for Caroline in the polls? “I’m telling you that’s not going well. He is too left-wing and they do not like him in left-wing circles and he will no longer be welcome in right-wing circles.”

Would he find it better if Caroline simply became BBB Prime Minister herself? “She could, but I don’t think she wants to.”
