‘NPO stopped a major TV interview with Matthijs’

Coen Verbreak was already very excited to look into the soul of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk in a beautiful setting, but the NPO has stopped it all. “They didn’t want to.”


The big sorry interview with Matthijs van Nieuwkerk was a big surprise last weekend. The piece was in NRC and the interviewer turned out to be Karel Smouter. And that while the fallen TV star has had several preliminary conversations with Coen Verbraak in the context of a major TV interview. What happened to that? Did Matthijs not like it anymore?

No TV interview

Wilfred Genee has just contacted Coen. “I just called Coen about that whole story with Matthijs, because it was going to be a TV interview,” says the presenter in Inside today.

What does Coen say? “He says: ‘Yes, we were actually very far along and Matthijs also wanted to give that interview on TV, only the NPO stopped it because they want to wait for the investigation first.’ They do not think it is possible that a TV interview is already given before the investigation.”

‘Want to work again’

Johan Derksen finds it striking that Matthijs’ bosom friend Özcan Akyol did not say that. He was sitting at the table at VI the day before yesterday. “I have the strong impression that Eus is not telling what he knows here.”

Wilfred: “That could be. The story is also – I gather that a bit from Coen Verbraak’s story – that Matthijs wants to get back to work. He’s been home for so long now. It just takes and it just takes. It may not become that Van Rijn committee until the end of the year.”


René van der Gijp thinks that Matthijs just needs money again. “Yes, let’s face it, guys, that applies to a lot of people, including me: if nothing comes in and the same thing goes out, then it goes fast. Then it goes really fast. So yes, he has to go back to work.”

Maybe a commercial venture? “He should not go to SBS 6. He really shouldn’t do that, of course not. Neither does RTL. Then he has to stay with the NPO.”
