Juve Women-Okzhetpes 6-0: Palis closes the score with a super goal, black and white in the final!

A victory on their debut in the Women’s Champions League for Joe Montemurro’s Juventus Women. A resounding 6-0 on the Kazakhs of Okzhetpes. Appointment for the final for the passage of the round. The challenger will be the winner of the 18.30 race. Below is the report of the black and white match.

Goalscorers: 6′ Girelli (J), 31′ Lenzini (J), 45′ Caruso (J), 58′ Girelli (J), 91′ Cantore (J), 93′ Palis (J)

Juventus Women: Peyraud-Magnin; Nilden, Lenzini, Cascarino (64′, Boattin); Caruso (64′ Garbino), Palis, Grosso (72′ Gunnarsdóttir); Cantore, Girelli (72′ Nystrom), Beerensteyn (64′ Thomas). All. Montemurro
Available: Aprile, Toniolo, Gama, Cafferata, Bellucci, Bonansea.
Okzhetpes: Portnova, Kutzay, Koziyeva, Vlassova, Galstyan; El Bastali, Agbotsu, Orynbassarova, Akpo, Pizlova, Balogun.

Ammonite: El Bastali (O)



93′ – JUVE GOAL with Palis scoring his first goal with the Juventus Women’s shirt, super goal from long range

91′ – JUVE GOAL with Cantore who heads from Boattin’s cross and scores

71′ – CAMBI JUVE Grosso and Girelli leave for Gunnarsdottir and Nystrom

64′ – CAMBI JUVE, Cascarino, Beerensteyn and Caruso leave and Immaginant, Thomas and Garbino enter

58′- POKER JUVE with a brace from Cristiana Girelli on a suggestion from Boattin

54′ – Ammonite El Bastali (O)

46′ – it starts again


45′- JUVE GOAL with Caruso who collects a header from Girelli and supports on goal

45′- Attempt by Okzhetpes to conclude the number 11 that comes out on the back

44′ – Grosso enters the area and serves Nilden in the middle who tries the shot in a split but ends just wide

38′- Another attempt by Cantore rejected by the goalkeeper

31′ – JUVE DOUBLED with Lenzini

30′ – Caruso crosses in the middle for Cantore, kicks on the fly, ball for a corner kick

21′ – Cascarino’s deep ball for Girelli who serves Beerensteyn but only in front of the goal he kicks high

19′- Caruso with a veil allows Beerensteyn to kick on goal, central ball

6′ GOAL JUVE, Boattin’s cross from the right who finds Girelli’s head and unlocks the match

4′- Attempt by Boattin, shot just wide

