Jefke van der Velde (70) offers Máxima Knols cake during the opening of Hanze University of Applied Sciences. ‘I wanted to do chrysanthemums at first, but you better keep them in this heat.’

Hanze University of Applied Sciences has existed for 225 years and the opening of the new academic year deserves that little bit extra. And it appeared in the form of Queen Máxima.

A carbon-black Audi glides almost silently to the entrance of the Van Olst Tower on Zernike Campus, where a small crowd points a smartphone at the door of the car. Because she – Queen Máxima – will appear there in a few moments to open the new academic year at Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Everyone looks their best. The door opens revealing an orange dress. The Queen has arrived. She smiles, waves and nods as she walks in. In her wake floats another tentative round of applause.

“Nice heels!”

“Nice heels,” remarks a woman who takes a connoisseur’s look at the royal footwear. In a large and packed hall, there will first be a dazzling performance by students from the Lucia Marthas Institute for Performing Arts and the Prince Claus Conservatoire. Then – yes – the speeches follow.

Chairman of the Board Dick Pauwels refers to the 225th anniversary. ,,It is on a Tuesday afternoon, 225 years ago, that six members of the Groningen branch of the Society for Nutritiousness van ‘t Algemeen met each other in the Groote Sociëteit. A mayor, a merchant, a shipowner, two councilors and a printer. Six residents, each with their own background and expertise, with the same concern: poverty and decline in Groningen. The solution is quickly clear: there must be higher education. Not just for the elite who can afford it, but for everyone. And that’s how it started, the start of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen.”

Abolition of the binding study advice

He also says that Hanze UAS will abolish the binding study advice for students from September 2024. Many colleges and universities use the BSA, which obliges students to obtain at least 45 or even all 60 credits in the first year. They must stop the training if this fails. Outgoing education minister Robbert Dijkgraaf believes that the BSA causes unnecessary stress.

Pouwels emphasizes that Hanze University wants to pay more attention to the personal development of students. ,,Because it is precisely in that phase of your life, when you are looking for your own direction, that this is crucial. From September 2024, all Hanze students will not receive a binding study advice, or BSA, but a personal study advice. One other word, yet a big difference. It is not the number of points you have to achieve that matters, but who you are, where you want to go and whether you are on the right track. As a student you determine your own route, you follow your own pace.”

Queen to students: ’embrace the adventure’

Then Queen Máxima will take place behind the podium. In her speech she also addresses the students. “This is a special day for the students. You are on the threshold of a new academic year. Together with all 470,000 HBO students in the Netherlands who start again this week. Among them more than 100,000 freshmen. It’s extra exciting for them. You have chosen an education that suits you, at least, you hope so. But you don’t know yet how it will work out in practice. A new study environment, the search for a student room, new subjects, new teachers, getting to know new friends. It can make you insecure. So keep believing in yourself! It doesn’t all have to be perfect from day one. Give yourself the space and time to find your own rhythm. And embrace the adventure.”

A fake tree as a solution to climate problems

The Queen then spoke briefly with fourth-year industrial product design student Thomas Dol (22), who presented their idea for a climate tree with other students. “This is our response to the consequences of heat stress and flooding caused by heavy downpours in the inner cities. Trees can help with this, but it is not possible to plant them everywhere, because cables and pipes are buried in the ground in many places. The prototype, which is about 3 meters high, is on Zernike Campus. It is a kind of fake tree that has a frame made of recycled plastic. At the bottom is a planter with climbing plants that grow up through the frame. This way you get the effect of a tree. This has a funnel shape, so that rain is collected by the tree and can be used. So you get a tree that is self-sufficient.”

Knolskoek for Her Majesty

He emphasizes that it is an idea of ​​former student Niels Kuijpens. “We have developed this further. Discussions are already underway with municipalities, but it is still too early to say that our tree will actually be used.”

The Queen’s visit is over. She is almost at the silent Audi when Mrs. Jefke van der Velde (70) from Zuidhorn – ignoring protocol with an all-conquering smile – offers Her Majesty a cake. And not just any cake, no, Knols cake. With nuts. This is accepted with gratitude. Mrs Van der Velde traveled to Zernike Campus especially for the Queen. ,,I first wanted to do chrysanthemums”, she says. ,,But yes, keep it well with this heat.”

The queen swings, as only a queen can. And she’s gone. Some wave at her. Bye queen. Bye.
