Hair at the end of summer, how to get them back in shape

THE signs of the holidays are all there, on the hair: when it comes to hair and summer, it’s hardly about benefits at the end of the season the hair is weakened and tested and tends to need a recharge of energy. Which begins with the classic hairdresser’s trim up to taking care of the color.

Hair in the summer: 7 rules for having beautiful hair

Hair at the end of summer: how is the mane?

All hair is put to the test in the summer, from the thinnest to the thickest ones, without distinction. Damage that can be limited if the correct haircare routine has been adopted, as an expert explains.

«After the holidays, the hair can look different depending on whether it was treated well during the holidays: if the hairdresser’s advice was followed, usually it’s just dried up and the color is a little faded. Otherwise, if you have not used suitable products or the hair has not been protected, it appears very dry, brittle and parched, dull» explains Sabrina Palumbo, Art director of Papalu Hair&Beauty Spa in Milan.

1) Give a little trim

What is the essential first step then? «The classic trim is more than necessary, followed by a regeneration treatmentwhich can be lamination or molecular regeneration».

More than freshening up your cut before the holidays, it’s essential to get your hands on it when you get back to the city. In this case, in fact, not only are any split ends eliminated and the styling redefined, but above all the lengths are taken care of. As the expert explains, lamination and molecular regeneration may be necessary: if the former covers the stems with a thin sheath that softens the hair giving it volume and elasticity, the regeneration can be more or less superficial.

2) Keratin and collagen for hair regeneration

Based on keratin and collagen, the surface regeneration treatments temporarily repair the surface of the stem only of damaged and particularly dry hair.

Vice versa, by choosing a deep treatment based on molecules that rebuild the bonds of the hair fiber, it is possible to also act on disulphide and salt bridges so as to repair the hair from the inside, regenerating it. Let yourself be advised.

3) Touch up the faded color

«Generally in late summer the colors fade, in the most extreme cases they tend to yellowish or even orange and make the hair stringy to the touch. That’s why it’s important ask for a transitional color between summer and autumn: in this phase the lengths are stressed so they should not be treated with traditional, alkaline-based colours, it is better to opt for an acid ph nuance. Alternatively, you can also choose the dyeing herbs che polishes and plumps up» explains the hairstylist.

Alternatively, toning is also very useful to run for cover: ideal when you want to return to your natural color, it is applied after the specific treatment, which acts on the structure of the hair, and gives shine and a healthy look.

4) Professional masks to illuminate

Professional masks also work alongside color and toning: «donano brightness thanks to micromolecules that compose them and have a much higher penetration capacity than a mask made with homemade oils, mainly composed of macromolecules, restoring shine and luminosity».

The masks are also very suitable for the scalp, when you need to oxygenate the skin: based on AHAs, fruit acids with an exfoliating and moisturizing action, they eliminate all impurities and are particularly recommended after many baths in the seaadvises the expert.

DIY homemade masks: yes or no?

And about the homemade masks? “They are not as effective as professional ones, but they can be aideal alternative if you can’t go to the hairdresser. The most suitable is the basic one coconut oil, avocado, yogurt and honey. Three tablespoons of coconut oil, a pot of yogurt, an avocado and two tablespoons of honey are combined together and applied to the hair.

Coconut oil is the only one that manages to have a very moisturizing function and is mixed with avocado, plumping and regenerating because it is full of free radical scavengers, and with a jar of yogurt that allows for a soft texture. Finally, honey is added, nourishing and fragrant» concludes the expert.

