Missing man (76) found on scooter again, gets medical help

A 76-year-old man from Sint Willebrord, who had been missing since Saturday evening, has been found again. He is receiving medical attention, police said. Various agents and the Veteran Search Team were deployed to assist in the search. Due to the man’s health, the police spoke of an ‘urgent missing’.

Several teams of the Veteran Search Team went looking for the man on Sunday afternoon. Among other things, the search was carried out in the vicinity of the grounds of Breda International Airport. A group of about twenty men combed the wooded area next door.

The reason to start looking there was a report that the man may have been seen on the parallel road past the airport. That’s what the 112 reporter heard. It is a very wooded area with many ditches, he saw.

Meanwhile, at least two other teams of the Veteran Search Team were also on the road. They looked elsewhere. There are buses at the assembly point where a mobile workspace has been set up and catering is provided. “They are looking here on a large scale,” the 112 correspondent saw. “They are prepared for anything.”

Left on scooter
The first report of the man’s disappearance came on Saturday evening around half past nine. A citizen net report was circulated to look out for the man. He had left from the Boterbloemstraat in Sint Willebrord on a scooter mobile. It concerns a man with a light complexion, dark gray hair and a convex face. At the time of his disappearance, he was wearing a blue coat and a cap.

The 76-year-old man rides a grey-blue scooter, the police said on Sunday afternoon. A walking stick is attached to the back of it. Such a walking stick with three small legs mounted on the bottom.
