Work, minimum wage, smart working: what’s new

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

TO surprise, the theme of the work has finally taken over the political scene, and I’m not just that. The proposal on minimum salarywhich started from the opposition, opened a gap in the Meloni government program, which responded by hypothesizing a more comprehensive reform that contemplates the issues of precariousness and welfare.

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But already since the times of Covid, when we were forced to rethink our way of working due to the virus, a reflection on the relationship with our jobs has taken place. The smart working revealed to us that a other way of interpreting the work is possibleprovided that this doesn’t turn into another cage, a double commitment carried out within the four walls of the house, especially for women.

But the real revolution, which has aroused the attention of sociologists, is the one that has gone under the name of “Big resignation”i.e. themassive job losses. The phenomenon occurred above all in the USA, where the labor market is more lively, but something similar is also taking place in our country.

Let’s talk about one sort of emotional detachment from work which ceases to be the priority in life to be relativized. What does it mean don’t put work first? Is it possible to expect this to be adequately paid and confined to specific and unbreakable hours? And that fundamental rights are really not negotiable?

We will talk about all this, with a look at the more purely female problems, the Next September 10, at the Triennale, in Milan, on the occasion of the tenth edition of Women’s Timethe now traditional party-festival of Corriere della Sera.

We jokingly titled this meeting My job, I leave you. When (and why) our relationship with work ended. You will find us at 11, in the main hall. Annalisa Dordoni, researcher in Economic and Labor Sociology at the Milan-Bicocca University, Elsa Fornero, economist, honorary professor of Economics at the University of Turin, Giusi Palomba, writer, Saverio Raimondo, stand-up comedian, host and author will be with us. We can not wait. © REPRODUCTION RESERVED

