Bridget Maasland counts on second sorry interview Matthijs: ‘On TV’

Bridget Maasland assumes that Matthijs van Nieuwkerk will also give a TV interview after his interview in NRC Handelsblad. “That might be the next step now.”


The big sorry interview with Matthijs van Nieuwkerk is in the newsstands this weekend: the TV tyrant has completely run out against NRC Handelsblad. But of course this is not the sorry interview that the people want. He wants to look Matthijs straight in the eye during a long talk show interview or on the slaughter bench of Mariëlle Tweebeeke.

Bridget critical

Bridget Maasland finds a paper interview very easy. “We must not forget that it is of course also one of the best interviewers and talk show hosts in the Netherlands, and of course a newspaper producer, so he knows very well how to play such an interview or have it written down,” she says in RTL Boulevard.

Reporter Aran Bade adds: “I think that’s exactly the nail on the head. It’s such a PR technical interview. I actually think it is so cunning of Matthijs.”

TV interview

The next step, according to Aran, is an interview on television. “I also think: do a TV interview, dare to do that, go for it.”

Bridget agrees: “Well, that might be the next step.”

Luuk Ikink understands the choice for the newspaper. “He should be able to think about this too, right? What he says is very important to him. He also calls it the most important interview of his entire life, so I can understand that you think: I want to sit with you for three hours. You can’t do that on TV.”

Twelve minutes

Aran thinks so. “You can honestly tell your story on TV. If you have nothing to lose or nothing to hide, just do it.”

Luuk: “But as a TV maker he knows very well that you get seven or twelve minutes?”

Aran: “No, of course not. He could have had a whole program. Everyone would like a long conversation with Matthijs van Nieuwkerk.”

Right in the eyes

Rob Goossens also demands a TV interview. “This story is not the reflection we had imagined, so in that respect I would indeed hope that there will be another interview on television, where we can look him straight in the eye.”

Bridget is counting on it. “I think so, because he is orienting himself on how to proceed and he wants to go back on television, so I assume that there will of course also be a television interview beforehand.”

Luuk: “You want to see him speak sometime.”

Bridget: “Of course, of course.”

Aran and Rob ‘doubt’ whether that will ever happen.

‘hoped for’

The people of Shownieuws also want a TV interview. Bart Ettekoven: “I had really hoped for a TV interview. Then you see a direct emotion in someone. Then you can read something from a face or a trembling lip.”

He continues: “Then someone can look dejected or something and now you have to do it with words, which you know in advance that they are well-considered and that the questions have first been sent to him by e-mail. I don’t think it’s cowardly, it’s his way of working, but that makes me think it’s a bit contrived.”


Incidentally, Nikkie Plessen behaved very strangely during the Boulevard item about Matthijs’ misconduct:
