A video shows a Blendon (USA) police officer shooting a young pregnant black woman

The police of the municipality of blendon (Michigan, USA) has released this Friday a video that shows one of his agents fatally shoot a young pregnant black woman through the windshield of the vehicle he was in.

The incident occurred last week when the young woman, Ta’kiya Young, 21, was accused by a grocery store clerk of stealing bottles of alcohol. As a result of the shot, Young and the fetus died.

The authorities They have not released the identities of the agents involved. nor the race of the victim, who has been identified by community organizations as a black woman.

The video, captured with shooter’s body camerabegins when Young was inside a vehicle in the parking lot of a shopping center in Westerville, a suburb north of Columbus.

an agent stands by the driver’s door repeatedly requesting Young to get out of the vehicle while another policeman, with the body camera, stands in front of the car.

Young, with two children aged 6 and 3, He says that he has not stolen anything from the store and is reluctant to leave the vehicle. At that moment, the officer in front of the car points her gun at the young pregnant woman while he also orders her to get out.

As the vehicle begins to move, the agent fires once at Young. After the shot, the car rolls slowly and crashes into the mall while Young appears reclining in the passenger seat.

This Friday, Blendon Police Chief John Belford said in a statement that the shooter is on administrative leave and that you have requested the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation to conduct a independent investigation of what happened.

Video Posting Delay

Belford justified the delay in the publication of the video by the need to suppress some extracts according to state laws, as well as to allow its review by lawyers.

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