After the storm: cliffs up to 1.5 meters on the beach

After the storm: cliffs up to 1.5 meters on the beach

The Coastal Service is now taking stock, but it already knows that the beaches have held up well and that the damage is less extensive.

“The storm wind causes the sand to blow up towards the sea dike and, on the other hand, you have the impact of the storm tide, and you see that the sea takes part of the sand towards the low water line and hence the cliff formation,” says Steve Timmermans of the Coastal Service.

In Wenduine you see the double phenomenon well. A lot of sand has been blown up, but indeed also these cliffs that show that part of the beach sand has been washed away.

To the east coast the cliffs are bigger. However, it is not the case that all the sand has been washed away. The Coastal Service takes into account that beaches have to be raised every five years anyway.
