Expensive bills, risk of a 7-10% increase in electricity

The warning of Davide Tabarelli, president of Nomisma Energia. With the increase in gas prices, the cost of energy will also rise

Editorial board

The average price of electricity recorded by Gme in the week from 21 to 27 August underwent a considerable price increase, going from about 106 euros in the previous week to the current 137.67 euros per MWh. The increase is equal to 29.9%. According to the president of Nomisma Energia, Davide Tabarelli, if the prices on the markets remain at these levels, the increase in the tariffs of theelectricity in the next bill it will be inevitable.

Dear bills, the price rises at the origin

During the week ending 27 August, volumes of electricity equal to 4.1 million MWh, with a liquidity of 72.4%. The Electricity Markets Manager communicated that the average sales prices fluctuated between 136.25 euros per MWh in the North ei 144.16 euros per MWh in Sicily. Increases destined to reverberate directly on the pockets of consumers.

practically a certainty

According to Tabarelli, starting from October 1st, an increase in electricity tariffs is expected which will fluctuate between 7% and 10% for the last quarter of the year. It will be the first significant increase of 2023. Tabarelli explained that the surge in the price of electricity on the Stock Exchange, with a 30% increase at 138 euros in the last week, it was caused by an increase in gas prices in the previous weeks, which exceeded the threshold of 30 euros per megawatt hour. Since about half of Italy’s electricity production depends on gas, electricity prices increase accordingly. Tabarelli also recalled that, at the beginning of September, the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment (Arera) will determine the gas price for the month of August, expected with a slight 2% increase.

still increases in sight

The prospects for the winter, concludes the president of Nomisma Energia, indicate that international gas prices will be 40% higher compared to the current ones. If these forecasts were to be confirmed – and they probably will be – it is reasonable to expect a higher gas tariff increase for the winter even 20% compared to current levels. This, in turn, will again have repercussions on the electricity bill as well.
