World Athletics Championships: Ingebrigtsen’s brutal final confession

First the disappointment, then the gold medal. Norway’s top runner Jakob Ingebrigtsen has put on the world championship crown over the 5000 meters. After the heat race, the athlete revealed that he started out with poor health.

These were exhausting days for Jakob Ingebrigtsen. The top favorite in the middle distance suffered a bitter defeat in the final of the 15,000 meters, was beaten by Briton Josh Kerr in the final sprint and almost caught by compatriot Narve Gilje Nordas.

An explanation afterwards was that Ingebrigtsen had a slight fever and a dry throat. Nevertheless, he came back strong a few days later and won his second World Championship gold in a row in the 5000 meters with a time of 13:11.30 minutes. This time he left all his competitors behind in the final sprint.

Shortly thereafter, the 22-year-old admitted that he was not in top form at the start. “It’s incredibly big, but it’s a little bit that I don’t feel good,” he says to the Norwegian “NRK”.

Ingebrigtsen complains of dizziness

“I was dizzy all day and I didn’t feel good warming up, and I haven’t felt good in the last few days either. That’s why it’s incredibly nice to still get the win,” Ingebrigtsen continued. A year ago in Eugene he had won silver in the 1500 meters and then gold in the 5000 meters.

“If I manage to win it’s a great achievement if I can say that about myself,” said the Norwegian. “At the same time, I’m disappointed that I’m in this situation. I hope I never have to do that again.”

There was even praise from his great rival, compatriot Nordas. Ingebrigtsen’s run was “impressive”, said Nordas curtly. There is an ice age between the two, at least since Nordas has been working with Ingebrigtsen’s father Gjert as a trainer.
