Minister Weyts is investing 4.5 million euros in West Flemish schools

Minister Weyts is investing 4.5 million euros in West Flemish schools

For the construction and renovation works of the schools, the focus is mainly on secondary education. There the needs are greatest for the many students, teachers and staff who work on the quality of education every day. In each of 11 schools, 100,000 euros will be invested in school construction. 17 other schools are undergoing smaller repairs for 10,000 euros, such as renewing the sanitary facilities.

Investment for the future

The largest investment is made at the Free Primary School Sint-Joris in Beernem. A new gymnasium and refectory will be built there for 200 students. The monastery wing, the attic and the surrounding area will also be renovated. All this is good for 1.4 million euros. The PTI in Kortrijk will receive 458,000 euros for new construction and renovation work. The Holy Family Ypres provides the third largest investment with 417,000 for the replacement of the exterior joinery.

“In the previous term of office, we started catching up in the area of ​​school construction and in this term of office we have significantly increased the resources,” says Weyts. “We want to provide more quality places for our students everywhere in Flanders. They can enjoy this school year and the school years after.”

Four schools in Bruges

The N-VA section, Weyts’ party, in Bruges is talking about four Bruges schools that are subsidized by the Minister of Education. This concerns a total amount of 388,251 euros. “In this way we invest in the future of our children,” said Flemish MP and Bruges N-VA party leader Maaike De Vreese.
