Summer 2022: the hidden gems of southern Argentina that the networks reveal

Those who had known the South since before this summer were in for a surprise: many of their favorite spots, sort of hidden gems, were now packed with tourists. The responsibility is none other than the networks, given that thanks to different posts and videos on platforms such as Instagram or Tik Tok that went viral, certain destinations began to become a place of procession for the youngest. But with or without digital push through, the truth is that they are landscapes to remember. Below, a top 7 to take note of and discover the corners that the networks put on the map and deserve to be much more than seasonal.


With more than 114,000 followers, the Instagram account @barilochetop stands as a highly respected information center. With images that could be wallpapers, his posts show the different corners of Bariloche and its surroundings, from excursions to places almost hidden in the classic guides. “Our account was born to show the city in a different waycounting the options that can be done for all audiences, from how to travel by bus to the most outstanding tourist places to enjoy the Llao Llao hotel or fly in a helicopter”, says Fernando, alma mater behind the at sign.

Manso Pools: Shortly after the confluence of the Manso and Villegas rivers, a sector with natural pools ideal for swimming and relaxing is reached.

This summer, however, what was most interesting were the excursions to unknown places. One of the posts with the most repercussion was the one in which they told about the pools of the Manso River, about 70 kilometers from the city of Bariloche and within the Cohuin-co campsite. A kilometer and a half north of the confluence of the Manso and Villegas rivers, you reach these natural pools among the stones, ideal for swimming and relaxing and surrounded by crystal clear water and an emerald-colored background. How to get? Through a path of about 2 kilometers that provides a memorable walk through the Patagonian forest, where you can even see (and be photographed, another strong point in choosing this destination) the pools from above and in all their splendor.

Another point where you can swim like in a pool are the pools of the stream Of course, within the Nahuel Huapi National Park in the Mascardi section. The trail begins in the Hotel Tronador area, and among lupines and bordering the Manso River at times, it reaches a suspension bridge. Once crossed, the Claro stream begins to be seen, where the rocks generate small shallow bays in which it is possible to submerge. Little known and of striking beauty, it was one of the points that generated the most interest in @barilochetop.


Although it was always a convening destination, Patagonia became especially sought after after the first year of the pandemic. For Agustina López, travel journalist behind the Instagram account @pasaje.en.mano, this is due to the enormous need to connect with nature, something that the south provides perfectly. “After being so locked up, these landscapes turned out to be a place to fill our lungs with fresh air and disconnect to feel part of nature again,” he says. At the same time, many discovered the wonders that Argentina hid in the south, with corners of transparent Caribbean-colored waters a flight away or a few hours by car, when they had always believed that these landscapes should be sought outside the country.

With more than 161,000 followers, Agustina started her account in 2018, first with many trips abroad (the first was to the World Cup in Russia) and recently rediscovering the beauties of Argentina. “I want to help other people to travel by sharing my experiences, good and badso that they have all the necessary information to choose their destinations and options”, he says.

Arrayanes Forest: Unique in the world (and a protected area), it is said that Walt Disney was inspired to create
Arrayanes Forest: Unique in the world (and a protected area), it is said that Walt Disney was inspired to create “Bambi” here.

Around January 2021, in the first summer after the pandemic exploded, he made a 20-day stay in Villa La Angostura that was an absolute success among his followers. Many could not believe that those landscapes were Argentine, and began to take note of his discoveries. It is that instead of showing the classic postcard of Bariloche and its civic center and surroundings, Agustina exposed much more secluded and private corners.

“The trails through the woods were very popular and I had quite a few questions. For example, the one for the Ñivinco waterfall, a super simple but very beautiful trail, in which you reach a huge waterfall”, she details. This walk is located halfway between San Martín de los Andes and Villa La Angostura, along the Seven Lakes Road. Of low difficulty, it crosses a stream and crosses ñire and colihue forests to reach a beach of colored stones whose backdrop is an imposing waterfall. The water falls into a pot in which it is possible to bathe, and one of the sides leads to a viewpoint. A memorable experience.


Other privileged points that began to fill with people thanks to the diffusion in networks were the different viewpoints. Especially in the circuit of the Seven Lakes, there are several panoramic points where you can see landscapes with the full range of blues and greens.

According to Agustina, the Brava and Mansa bays are special spots on this line. Both in Villa La Angostura and a few meters away, the Mansa version has the protection of the Quetrihué peninsula, while the Brava receives winds from the mountain range that make the water ripple. Both offer a landscape to remember (and for posting on networks). “Also in Angostura, the Mirador Lake and the Correntoso River viewpoint, one of the shortest in the world, are other special points worth visiting,” recommends the journalist.

Correntoso River: One of the shortest rivers in the world, it is one of the prides of Villa La Angostura and can be seen from a viewpoint
Correntoso River: One of the shortest rivers in the world, it is one of the prides of Villa La Angostura and can be seen from a viewpoint

And if you want a walk where you can shoot photos at every step, the visit to the Bosque de Arrayanes also became a summer must-do due to several posts on networks that made it viral. To the southwest of the Quetrihué peninsula, it offers a 12-kilometer trail that begins with a very steep slope but then becomes flatter and simpler. The landscape is worth the effort to reach the only myrtle forest in the world (in general it is a bush, but here it is a tree), which is why it is a protected area. With species some 300 years old, legend has it that Walt Disney was inspired to create “Bambi” here. True or not, the landscape is undoubtedly majestic and inspiring. At least, to take out the phone and get photos that garner likes to rage.
