Unrest at residential complex in Hoogeveen: ‘It’s like a public toilet’

Damaged cars, nighttime visits and a lot of noise. Residents of an apartment complex on the Groenling in Hoogeveen are fed up. The neighborhood says it has been troubled by loitering youth for a year and a half and wants housing corporation Domesta to intervene.

There are several garage boxes under the apartment complex. A perfect place to take shelter when it rains, but also for young people from the neighborhood to gather until the late hours. “The measure is full once,” says a local resident. Last weekend it happened again in one of the garage boxes. “Beer cans are lying around, the garage is being used as a public toilet and a resident’s car has been vandalized. It’s time to do something about it.”


The woman whose car was destroyed does not want to be named, because she is afraid that the problems will increase. It is not the first time the vandals have taken her car. “It happens more often. One time my mirror is off and the other time the windscreen is broken. And I always have to pay the costs myself, it just has to stop.”

Despite the fact that the woman has reported several times to the police and housing association Domesta, according to her, relatively little is being done. “I immediately contacted Domesta after last weekend. But I have not received a response. Apparently the police do not find it interesting enough either.”

‘Big mouth’

Another resident says that contact has been made with Domesta and that the matter is being taken seriously. However, he would like to emphasize that it does not always concern the same young people. “The groups alternate. I understand that they want a place where they can come together. I was young myself, but as soon as something is destroyed I draw a line.”

He therefore regularly addresses the young people about their behaviour, but he is not thanked for this. “Then I get a big mouth in return. Nothing more happens, so I don’t want to make it bigger than it is. But the residents do pay for the garage boxes, so you expect that they will be taken seriously.”


The neighborhood therefore hopes that measures will be taken. For example in the form of shielding. “Then you can think of roller shutters or a fence. We don’t know exactly what is possible, but at least that it is no longer accessible,” says a resident.

The neighborhood has no confidence in extra supervision. “Imagine that cameras are installed, they will be broken in no time. It is now hoped that we can take the right steps together with Domesta.”

Domesta . response

A spokesperson for Domesta said the matter is being taken very seriously. The housing association wants to take action on two points. “Domesta is part of a forge team. This includes youth work, community work, the local police officer and enforcement. We want to involve them in the situation, mainly to approach the problem more widely.”

In addition, the housing association wants to investigate whether a technical solution can be found for closing the garage boxes. In what form and when is still under investigation. “That takes time. Contact with local residents is now established, we want to involve them closely in that process,” said the spokesperson.

“Apparently it is not clear enough how residents can report nuisance to us. We care about that and we need to improve it.” The corporation is referring to the first and only notification that was made just before Christmas. An appointment will soon be made with the woman whose car was destroyed. “Then we will find out what we can do against the vandalism.”
