Juve, Bonucci replies to Allegri on Instagram: “Lack of respect”

The defender has published a story, referring to the words of the Juventus coach at the press conference

If it is true that Bonucci and Allegri have not spoken since the defender returned to Continassa and found himself out of the squad, it is probable that the question and answer will continue at a distance. During the press conference on the eve of Juve-Bologna, the coach tried to distance himself from a direct question on the matter: “We’ve already talked and said with Leo, there’s no comment to add – he said -. It’s no use. Leo knows the situation. Juventus has been clear, let’s move forward.” The coach evidently referred to the expedition of Giuntoli and Manna to the footballer’s summer residence, to inform him – before he returned to Turin to resume training – that he was out of the project, despite the fact that he still had one year on his contract.

question and answer

Perhaps not by chance is a story published by Bonucci on Instagram immediately after Allegri’s press conference: “Lack of respect – reads the post -. When someone disrespects you, beware of the urge to gain their respect right away. Because disrespect is not an assessment of your worth, but a sign of his character ”. Just these days the defender is evaluating the hypotheses for his near future: there has been a slowdown on the Union Berlin front, since he would not be so convinced of moving abroad. Leo still hopes for a call from Lazio, but also the Genoa hypothesis – which has taken shape in the last few hours – should not be underestimated because it would give him the opportunity to stay in Serie A. He will decide at the end of the market.
