Climate chaos threatens Berlin with “drama”

Court table gluer Henning Jeschke was recently criticized internally.  Kleber spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs is touring Germany with the management of the “Last Generation”.

Court table gluer Henning Jeschke was recently criticized internally. Kleber spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs is touring Germany with the management of the “Last Generation”. Photo: Olaf Wagner

By Isabel Pancake

The so-called “Last Generation” has announced further crimes in Berlin and is threatening the city with protests “like never before”.

“We want to create a drama that nobody in Berlin can ignore,” said Lars Werner (31), one of the six heads of Klima-Glue, in an internal info call. The large-scale sturgeon campaigns are planned for mid-September.

What exactly is to happen in the capital is currently being discussed in the local groups (“last generation” jargon: “resistance groups”). Werner, who had been in preventive detention in Bavaria for a long time in 2022, literally: “We want to work together to ensure that a lot of people come together again in Berlin in mid-September, and hopefully we will create a drama there that is really appropriate to the crisis in which where we are.”

Management travels across the country

Until then, the management level of the climate radicals around court table gluer Henning Jeschke and press officer Carla Hinrichs want to travel across Germany to discuss the strategy for Berlin – and apparently also to get renegades back on course.

Because recently there had been a lot of criticism of the core group internally. A cult of personality in their own ranks was also denounced. The background was the insufficient distancing of the top team from Holocaust trivializer Roger Hallam.

The climate stickers are calling for a new protest phase in Berlin on September 13th. The “Last Generation” then expects “a maximum of many people” from September 18th.


Current Climate Activists Climate Adhesive Last Generation
