‘SBS 6 continues to believe in it!’

Flop after flop, but Dennis van der Geest still gets a new program on SBS 6. Is he definitively the male Kim-Lian van der Meij? “They just keep believing in it!”

© Nick van Ormondt

It has now become really evident that Dennis van der Geest is not a crowd puller. Probably did very well on the judo mat, but the autocue is a different story. Yet he is now getting another new program: Where Is My Heritage? A kind of bonje with the neighbors, but then everyone argues about the inheritance.

Dennis overdose

Viewing analysts Tina Nijkamp and Joost Maiburg find this really very striking. They know everything about Dennis’ low scores and find this difficult to reconcile. “The presenter who receives the most opportunities and programs from John de Mol? Dennis van der Geest,” she writes on her analysis channel.

Tina continues: “After Dennis en de Vrije Geesten, Million Dollar Island, Bonje met de Buren and De Prins met het Witte Haar, among others, he will also present Waar Is Mijn Erfenis on SBS 6. In October on TV.”

Not Wendy again

So many presenters in your stable and then ending up with Dennis every time: quite an achievement, says Tina. “So again not Wendy van Dijk, Kees Tol, Viktor Brand, Jan Versteegh, Rob Kemps, Winston Gerschtanowitz, Kim-Lian van der Meij, or Gordon who is still under contract. Remarkable.”

Joost Maiburg, the ratings specialist who works for RTL Boulevard, thinks that somehow there is apparently still confidence in Dennis. “SBS 6 continues to believe in former judoka Dennis van der Geest and gives him a new program after a whole series of flops.”

Stolen or not?

By the way, isn’t Dennis’s new legacy program stolen from RTL 4? Joost: “Get a lot of DMs if this isn’t stolen from RTL4: De Heirgenaam. Both programs are indeed about legacies, but this is more like Mr. Frank Visser-like program about conflicts surrounding an inheritance.”

He clarifies: “The Heir is looking for people who do not know that they will receive another inheritance. Same subject, completely different approach. For example, there are also a million different types of dating programs.”
