There should always be a flexible speed camera somewhere in Hoogeveen | statement of the week

The mobile speed camera on Industrieweg in Hoogeveen. Photo: Mediahuis Noord

The flex speed cameras are a new ‘weapon’ of the Public Prosecution Service in the fight against speeders and move every two months to a different road with a maximum speed of 50, 70 or 80 kilometers per hour. The flex flash on Industrieweg will therefore disappear again in a month or two.

The pole takes pictures of road users who drive too fast. The camera at the top of the pole is not intended to film license plates or to check whether occupants are wearing a seat belt. The security camera only films if someone stays close to the flex flash for a long time. Extra protection against vandals.

The editors are curious what Hoogeveners think about the flexible speed camera being removed from Hoogeveen in a few weeks.
