Genoa, fans in Venice climb on the vaporetto: Daspo is coming

It happened at the end of the Penzo challenge. Supporters have been identified and are now at risk of not being able to attend sporting events for at least two years

A group of Genoa fans, at the end of the match against Venezia al Penzo (1-1 the final), was returning to Piazzale Roma with the boat. During the journey, however, the supporters climbed on the roof of the vaporetto singing choirs and waving flags for a few minutes. Immediate, and without any complications, the intervention of the police motorboat that was escorting the vehicles (two in total): after a few siren sounds and the order to return on board, the Genoan supporters obeyed without controversy. But the damage was done.

daspo in sight

The group of fans was immediately identified by the agents who then “sold” the investigation to Digos: for the three, a Daspo of at least two years is expected. The enthusiasm of an atypical away match can play tricks on you.
