New York, car hits seven people on the crossings: two Italians injured

On the night of Sunday 20 August 2023, a Honda Accord ran a red light and hit a group of seven people who were crossing the road. Two Italians, originally from Piacenza, who were in the Big Apple for an overseas trip were also injured

The woman who, in the late evening of Sunday 20 August 2023hit a group of seven people who were crossing the street in the district of manhattanto New York. It is a 29-year-old originally from New Jersey who, after having left behind a long trail of blood, continued the race of her Honda Accord for a few more kilometres, before crashing into two other vehicles. After being accompanied, in handcuffs, to the Long Island Jewish Medical Centerthe local authorities have confirmed his negativity to alcohol, as well as any possible link to a terrorist action has been ruled out.

two Italians in hospital

The woman is passed through the red light just as seven people were crossing the street. Among these, as reported by The voice of New Yorkthere would also be Italians Matteo Maj (51 years old, graphic designer) And Julia Gardani (34 years old, federal tennis instructor) from Piacenza. The first was operated on for a facial trauma and is awaiting surgery on the tibia and fibula, while the woman, who arrived in the emergency room in serious condition, underwent a long five-hour operation for an injury to the cervical vertebrae. According to the sister of the 51-year-old from Piacenza, the couple were in New York as last leg of an American trip which had brought them first to Chicago and then to Boston.
