Milan, Cardinal in Bologna: “I couldn’t miss it, we want to keep winning”

The RedBird patron present at the Dall’Ara for the Rossoneri’s first season: “Here to triumph for a long time and always”

Gerry Cardinale could not miss the premiere of his Milan. The RedBird patron will be at the Dall’Ara for the Rossoneri’s match against Bologna, the first official match of the year. After making nine signings – the last one is Marco Pellegrino, central defender arriving from Platense – Cardinale thus spoke of the next AC Milan season.

new approaches

“I didn’t want to miss out on this start to the season which promises to be more challenging than ever, both in Italy and in Europe. As we have repeatedly underlined, our goal is to continue improving in order to win, in Serie A and on the world stage. But I don’t want to we can do this without being open to changes and new approaches. And, in the current scenario, our ability to successfully achieve a positive evolution, on and off the pitch, can only materialize through shrewd and sophisticated financial management”.

always win

Cardinale continued: “Let’s not misunderstand though. It must be very clear that RedBird is here to win. But we are here to win ‘intelligently’, because we want to win for a long time, not just once. We may not always do well, but “We will not stop trying until we have won everything we can. This season, which is starting, will be a long and demanding season, but I am sure that our boys, under the guidance of Stefano Pioli, will face it with a passion worthy of the history of this glorious club.” . Nine players have arrived at Milanello: “We have so many new faces, we are thrilled to welcome them to Milanello. For our part, we will accompany and support our team at every moment of this new journey with strong commitment and a passion equal to that that they will put on the pitch, supported by the extraordinary support they invariably receive off the pitch. So tonight, more than ever, let me say: Forza Milan, always!”.
