Jaimie Vaes gets a big blow from RTL face: ‘Nobody f * cking cares’

Jaimie Vaes receives a strong verbal slap in the face from Farja Farvardin, who works for the online channels of RTL Boulevard. “Yeah, pff, nobody f*cking cares. Tell it like it is!”

© Tom Cornelissen, YouTube

Farja Farvardin, also known as FawryNotSawry, has seen Robbert Rodenburg’s new talk show and is not at all impressed by his interview with Jaimie Vaes. Lil Kleine’s abused ex-girlfriend is a guest in it together with Anna Nooshin and Estelle Cruijff programbut that does not yield any new insights.

‘Nobody cares!’

Actually, not a single relevant question has been asked, Farja snaps into his Insta stories. “I’m just curious: how is the custody? Is it 50/50? How is the contact with Jorik? How are things between them now? Is everything well arranged? How’s the drug addiction? Does she have a drug addiction?”

He continues, “You know, those are all questions I just want to know. Not about ‘patterns in my life’ and ‘we are now in calm waters’. yes, phew nobody f*cking cares. Just say it like it is and just say what you want to say. Otherwise don’t come if you are politically correct!”


It’s agonizing to look at that Jaimie anyway, says Farja. “I just find it a little bit tiring when she starts talking. She talks a lot, but she doesn’t say anything. Then I think: yes, don’t waste our time. So don’t sit there.”

He continues: “Anna shows her vulnerable side, Estelle her humor and then I think: Jaimie, what are you showing again? It’s all over again that you think: what are you saying?”

Glenda Batta

He likes Robbert’s interview with Glennis Grace better. “You can say anything about her, but she is just honest. She could have just been politically correct. She says: ‘I think it’s all a bit exaggerated’, but yes, if she thinks that… Balls that she dares to say that, because she knows she will get into a lot of trouble with that.”

Back to Jaimie: “She is the reason why I am going to watch Expedition Robinson again this season. To be fair: I am curious again how she will do and whether she will go far. Will she give up or not? Who does she make a pact with? I still find her interesting though. I’m just being honest about that.”

Eight paragraphs later, one thing in particular sticks out of Farja’s story. ‘Talk a lot, but say nothing at all.’
