Turin-Cagliari, Juric in the press conference: “Goal to improve”

The grenade coach presented the challenge to Cagliari in a press conference

From our correspondent Mario Pagliara

– Turin

“The keyword of our championship will be to improve. Two years ago we scored 50 points, last year 53, we’ll try to do something more”. Ivan Juric establishes the commandment: the objectives and prerogatives of Toro’s journey that is about to begin in Serie A are summarized in this word chosen by the Croatian coach. “The team must continually seek and want improvement – ​​explains Juric – it must want to grow without setting special goals. But he has to face training with the spirit of someone who wants to improve day by day”.


How does Toro arrive at its seasonal debut? “I would say we get there well overall, despite having had some players in defense with physical problems like Zima and Djidji. But the group did a very good retreat – continues Juric -: Rodriguez, Schuurs and Buongiorno, for example, did very well. Djidji’s recovery continues slowly, Zima has done the last training sessions with the team but is not at his best. On the flanks we have seen a very high level Vojvoda in the Italian Cup, even if numerically we have few options”. Juric underlines how “compared to the last two years, we are at a good point. The company is committed, it does many things, we have created a lot in these two years. We work slowly, but we are doing things according to logic: now we just have to complete each other”.


The greatest value of Juric’s third Bull will be continuity, starting from a team confirmed in all his valuable pieces plus the new faces Tameze and Bellanova. “The greatest work done in these two years is that we have managed to retain our players, to have them owned by us today: having the players I have already worked with is a big advantage because they know the way to coach, they understand you better” . Tomorrow, against Cagliari, the duel on the benches will also be interesting. And about his colleague Ranieri he says “he is a master in general, even on a human level. Facing him and his teams is always very difficult ”.


When the talk slips on the singles, we start from Bellanova: “What I said on the first day, I confirm it: he is a boy with the right characteristics. He has to work hard, but he can get to Singo levels and even surpass him. He is a young man, with a great perspective ”. On Pellegri: “How do I see it? “Ni”, in the sense that he is unable to train with the continuity that I expect ”. He closes on Sanabria: “I have great faith in him. All the forwards in the pre-season didn’t do well, none was enough. Seck is not included in the assessment because he injured his shoulder. I hope that starting tomorrow they will change the trend and do well”.
