Rutte: sanctions against Russia anyway, but a raid has not yet been confirmed Inland

According to Rutte, a Russian invasion of Ukraine has not yet been confirmed. But just recognizing the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Rutte calls a “direct violation” of sovereignty. “This is an escalation,” said Rutte. The Prime Minister says he has intensive contacts with other countries, including France, the United Kingdom and the United States for a sanction package.

“As soon as that is finalized, we will bring it out,” said Rutte. He indicates that he first ‘wants to know exactly’ whether a military invasion has started. “That has not yet been confirmed.” If that is the case, the sanctions package will also be heavier, Rutte said.

“Recognizing the republic is already an unacceptable fact and affects stability in our part of the world,” Rutte said. He said he did not want to “speculate” whether the Russian armed forces are already engaged in military actions in the area. If a sanction package is introduced, Russia will certainly feel it, Rutte said. “I think they have sufficient insight into what we can do and are rightly concerned about that.”
