Job training: a bridge to companies

«NoI had no idea what the world of work was. I said to myself: let’s see what happens. It was a discovery. I feel changed, grown up. Mom and dad are happy, because being taken at the age of sixteen in an international reality is no small feat. But I’m the happiest.”

Heat and work: tips for living in the office in the summer

Vittoria Janeke will begin the fourth classical high school at the Collegio San Carlo in Milan in September. Meanwhile, since June it has entered the Allianz School-Work Duality projectan insurance and financial services company, and while her companions are at the beach, she spends the summer (except for the central weeks of August) to work in the Tower at Citylife. Heavy? Absolutely not. «I entered the communications office not knowing how to do anything, I’m learning day by day, and it’s always different».

School-Work Training

The School-Work Duality project is in its seventh edition: «For two years, thirty very young colleagues from the 3rd and 4th grades, from public and private institutes, work with us» explains Letizia Barbi, Human Resources manager of Allianz. “Three days a month in the winter, full-time in the summer. They are regularly hired with an apprenticeship contract and come out with the title of Junior specialist in Insurance from Allianz and a certification from the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce, which recognizes our project within their dual system, which alternates classroom and in-company training. When we first started proposing it, the executives we contacted were skeptical: Students won’t be interested, they claimed. Today we receive 120 applications for 30 positions.

The kids have no idea what the world of work is and they want to get to know it. They are amazed when they discover that physics graduates can work in insurance. They think of the Cnr, not of the world of data processing, which is exploding». When they leave high school, students are disoriented, confused. And angry, because they would like someone to show them the way to the real world.

According to the survey “Youth and Orientation” by with Gi Group, among the newly matured, one out of three does not know what to do, half have some uncertainty. But the real problem is that in the previous five years, over a quarter have never done guidance and, of those who have, half say it was useless, due to an overly theoretical approach. A third wanted to participate in internships and apprenticeships during high school, without succeeding. The risk is that graduates enroll in university (other options not received) somewhat at randomand then drop out: if Italy fails to raise more than 30 percent of graduates, there will be a reason.

The guys in the company bring enthusiasm

Where schools do not arrive, companies intervene – partly: for social responsibility, for an investment in their own future and that of the country, to train the specialized workforce they cannot find. But also to see different generations working side by side in the company: «The young people bring freshness, enthusiasm» adds Letizia Barbi. “It’s good for everyone.”

For 68 percent of students, the ideal training opens up to work and connects to companies. The data emerges from a survey carried out by the Open Institute of Technology on the Docsity community (a platform where it is possible to share and download study material), on 1,600 young people between 18 and 26 years old.

The Lidl supermarket chain also has a dual training program, in collaboration with the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce: «Last November we launched “Lidl 2 your career”, which allows students of ITS Machina Lonati in Brescia to fill the role of Assistant Store Manager» says Sebastiano Sacilotto, Lidl Italia Human Resources manager. «For two years they have a regular apprenticeship contract, alternating lessons in the classroom and “in the field”. In September we will resume in Brescia and we will start in two other ITS, in Florence and in Rome».

A giant like Intesa Sanpaolo, first financial institution in Italy, «has strengthened the commitment to inclusive education, the fight against inequalities, employability among the strategic objectives of the 2022-25 business plan» says Elisa Zcampo Marsala, head of Social Development and University Relations of the group . «A bank can do a lot to support the right to education and support the preparation of students, in order to limit the gap between innovation and the development of the industrial system, and to provide the skills necessary for the job”. Intesa Sanpaolo’s projects are across the board: from university scholarships, also to encourage the return of “brains”, to guidance initiatives in high schools, involving a thousand schools, to “Z Lab”, a path to develop transversal skills from third to fifth grade, up to the Observatory for tomorrow’s work – Look4ward”, in collaboration with the Luiss University and other partners.

From North to south

“Ideas2Growth”, an initiative to accelerate start-ups, fits into this vein of the agritech sector «because we need to innovate agriculture, we need new knowledge and we support with training young people with entrepreneurial ideas in Puglia, Molise, Basilicata» continues ZAMBI Marsala. «We also need a new approach, one that speaks to young people with their language and their tools». Getting in tune with the new generations is not obvious, but it is necessary. Especially for the technical-professional guidelines which should specifically prepare for entry into the world of work.

Technical training in fashion

However, it happens that classroom work is not enough, it is not in step with the times, it does not have a practical approach. The Altagamma project “Adopt a school” fits into this contextthe association that brings together 110 Italian cultural and creative brands of excellence «to integrate educational programs in order to respond to the current needs of companies, given theobvious difficulty in finding manufacturing talent» explains the general manager, Stefania Lazzaroni. «A paradox in a country with high youth unemployment». A training and orientation aimed, therefore, at enhancing artisanal and technical skills, at making them understand their importance.

In the first two editions, “Adopt a school” involved 2,000 students from 80 classes and 23 companies. Among these Bulgari, which with the Ascanio Sobrero High School of Casale Monferrato, wants «create a bridge between schools and the world of work» underlines Mauro Di Roberto, Managing Director of the Bulgari Jewelery Business Unit. A bridge that is also between the past and the future. “We believe that investing in young talent is essential for cultivating art and carrying forward a unique legacy,” he adds. The sixty students involved, two classes in mechanics and two in logistics, meet professionals in the classroom involving them in practical workshops. Some then do an internship in the Manufacture of Valencia.

He also thinks about training technical profiles suitable for today’s industrial needs EssilorLuxottica with “Eye Tech Hub”, which offers fifth year students a twenty-hour package of insights into production processes, with the support of managers to teachers. The company has also invested in Irsoo, a historic school of optics and optometry in Vinci, Tuscany. «For us it is essential to create virtuous paths that give access to training opportunities. We always look to the future» comments Elisa Grisot, HR Operations Central Functions & Talent.

Between Green Jobs and the highway of the future

But the most complete project is that of Elis, a non-profit organization that trains people for work. Thanks to the Business School System, companies entrust three-year high school students with some concrete projects, under the supervision of their professionals, the “Maestri di Mestiere”. The goal is to help kids discover their creativity and guide them for future choices. Since the birth of the network, in 2016, the 800 schools were involved, 1500 teachers and 71,000 students. Only in 2023, to give a few examples, did young people work on Green Jobs with Terna’s professionals, with Autobrennero to design a motorway of the sustainable futurewhile in the Snam laboratory they focused on Digital and Big Data and in a summer camp they created hydroponic cultivation.

An interactive and experiential space

A look at tomorrow is what Fastweb wanted to offer – as well as with the hundred courses of the Fastweb Digital Academy – with the Step FuturAbility District space in Milan, inaugurated a year ago. An «inspirational place for everyone» explains Cristina Paciello, Head of Step, with special attention to the younger ones.

«It is an interactive experiential path in 10 stages that allows you to measure your attitude to the future. At the end, each visitor gets personalized feedback, depending on the skills and interests detected. The students receive advice on training courses and orientation, also from our partner companies. A room on the professions of the future is dedicated to them, where they can find out, for example, what are the skills required of a garbage designer, who transforms waste into quality objects. The goal, in general, is to make young people understand that the world is changing very rapidly». To be protagonists, one cannot stand by and watch.

When training comes through play

Vodafone Foundation launches a programme to provide to young people who do not study and do not work digital skills useful for finding work. The goal is to train market-ready experts.

«In Italy, 25 percent of young people aged between 16 and 34 do not study and do not work. In an aging country, it’s a huge problem» says Adriana Versino, president of the Vodafone Foundation. «They are discouraged kids, with low self-esteem, with whom a paternalistic approach doesn’t work. To be able to engage and motivate them, you need to speak their language».

In 2021 Vodafone Foundation launched the LV8 app, an educational video game that allows you to acquire basic digital knowledge, «with the aim of making people understand how it is possible to be active, and not just passive users. We start with the creation of simple contents, for example the Instagram profile of the pizzeria near the house, then we progress» continues Versino.

LV8 worked: 40,000 registered users, and 14,000 Open Badges issued, or the digital certifications recognized by the European Union. «After the first few months, we realized that the LV8 was also appealing to a wider audience, three-year high school students and those of the humanities faculty. Without prejudice to the focus on the weakest, if the project proves to be useful for everyone, even better ». The new challenge, which has just started, is ReadyForIT+ (registration open on «Together with the Accenture Foundation, we won a tender promoted by the Fund for the Digital Republic (a partnership between the public and private social digitization objectives of the Pnrr, ed) dedicated to NEETs (young people who do not study, do not work and do not receive training, ed), to allow them to access training courses lasting three or six months free of charge, remotely and therefore with no limit on places» continues the president.

The first-level courses, provided by Academy Rapido, aim to acquire basic skills in Information Technology and Cybersecurity. The second-level ones, provided by Develhope, train software developers. You can also approach it through LV8: «The kids play, learn the rudiments, then follow the courses. Starting courses immediately could drive them away, LV8 is a useful tool to bring them closer». At the end of the courses, the two training institutions and the partner companies – some specialized in personnel research – will have the task of helping the young people enter the world of work.

