Marc Márquez, tenth, points out that you cannot “create false expectations”


08/19/2023 at 18:47


“Eight positions have been gained in one lap, but there was a carambola in the first round from which I have benefited”, said

“Our position would have been fifteenth”recognized at the end of the sprint race at the Austrian GP Marc Márquez

The Spanish Marc Márquez (Honda RC 213 V), who finished tenth in the sprint race of the MotoGP Austrian Grand Prix on the “Red Bull” circuit, said that “false expectations” cannot be created for that result.

“If you want to be epic, okay, eight positions have been gained in one lap, but there was a carom in the first lap from which I benefited and five of the riders in front have crashed or have been involved in the mishap, which is why I have gained so many positions and it has helped a lot, because our position would have been fifteenth,” Márquez acknowledged at the end of the test.

The Honda pilot pointed out that the new aerodynamics make the bike completely different “It rides differently and today I had to adapt my riding style more to this new aerodynamics, but in the end we are seeing that the performance is the same, we are in the same position, so yes, it is different, but we have to improve on other aspects”.

And he points out that this already means “a reaction, at least something is proven, if you are suffering and you don’t prove anything, then it is more frustrating and, at least that way, you see different things and you have extra motivation to adapt your riding style. ; yesterday we were up until so many looking at the telemetry to see how it could improve“.

“It is difficult to look for motivations when you are so far awaybut you have to look for those little ‘things’ to continue with your performance and not lose that concentration at any time”, insisted Márquez in this regard.

Marc Márquez explained his point of view of the incident in the first corner of the race, of which he said that “it’s a delicate curve And if you defend or go with prudence or caution, many pilots pass you by, and if you attack you can mess it up a bit”.

“Today, Martín came out behind and I had him a little far, but he knew that from behind he was going to risk and he has risked, he has made a hole and has separated a few. I think they are things that happen in the races, the only thing is that there has to be the same yardstick for everyone,” said the Honda driver.

Of the grand prix on Sunday, he highlighted that “It will be more difficult because in the sprint race, as we have seen, we have gone from more to less. At the beginning I wasn’t that far from the rest of the riders, I could even see sixth or fifth from a distance, I had it there for a few laps, but then, suddenly, I slowed down a lot because the performance of the tire dropped a lot.”

with that statement Marc Márquez did not look for an excuse since “it has lowered everyone, but it seems that it makes the Hondas suffer more in that aspect and that is why tomorrow will be a very long race”.
