‘Take Studio Football away from NOS!’

What a rancorous remark from Pierre van Hooijdonk doesn’t bring about… Victor Vlam now proposes to remove that entire Studio Football from the NOS. “Unplug that!”


Pierre van Hooijdonk has caused a lot of misery by accusing Ajax coach Maurice Steijn of all kinds of shady practices on national television. The football analyst has more or less been fired from Studio Voetbal, but now even that entire program is being questioned by Hilversum’s new fright: Victor Vlam.

Gross shame

It is absurd that Pierre accused the trainer of ‘involvement in shady dealings with befriended agents’, says media expert Victor. “It is something that has been going on for a long time, because in that program Studio Football, Pierre van Hooijdonk is giving off Maurice Stijn almost every week,” he says in Mischa on NPO Radio 1.

He continues: “I really think it’s a great shame and I do think that the NOS is dealing with this in the wrong way. But it might also indicate to me: should the NOS actually produce a talk show about football? Is that a task of the NOS or perhaps more of a member broadcaster?

TROS Studio Sport

Victor pleads for Studio Sport to move. “You could also say AvroTros, for example. This broadcaster could do much better. Just like the broadcasters who make talk shows.”

Hostess Mischa Blok: “Because you want to separate opinions from NOS.”

Victor: “Exactly, I mean: the NOS does news and sports, so I understand sports reporting. But talking about football games is just like talking about news in Op1. That is also not provided by the NOS.”

Radiates negatively

It’s the solution, Victor thinks. “I think it would be easier if it were disconnected from NOS, because I also think that this actually reflects very negatively on NOS. This should be the broadcaster with the most authority here in Hilversum. This is the broadcaster that makes the Journaal. It is very important that that authority is maintained.”

Mischa: “But that is always a strange thing anyway. That when it comes to sports, suddenly completely different rules apply when it comes to journalism…”


Victor agrees. “Bizarre. Yes absolutely. Yes, no, there are many examples of that.”

Mischa: “Presenters will also openly say which club they are for, while in journalism it actually applies that you do not openly say which party you are voting for.”

There are quite a few candidates for the presentation of the possible TROS Studio Sport. For example, not only Toine ‘crying fit’ van Peperstraten works for the broadcaster, but also AvroTros celebrity Ron Boszhard. He has been making sports programs for Zapp for years. Other possibilities are Jan Smit and Splinter Chabot.
