election of the Table of Congress and last minute of the agreements live

The PP is preparing to control the Senate from this Thursday, with an absolute majority, the Presidency and the right of veto

The Senate of the XV Legislature is constituted this Thursday after the general elections of July 23 and the PP is preparing to assert an absolute majority of up to 141 senators that will allow him to take over the Presidency of the Chambercontrol the Board of the Senate and, therefore, condition the processing of the laws that come from Congress, being able to delay, modify and even veto them.

The session will begin at 10 a.m. and will follow the usual agenda: opening, organization of an old table, voting to elect the new Table and inauguration of the senators, something that usually generates controversy due to the formula that some of them use to swear or promise the post.

An entirely socialist Table of Ages and chaired by Narbona directs this Thursday the constitutive session of Congress

The constitutive session of the new Congress that emerged from the general elections on July 23 will be led this Thursday by a Board of Ages composed ofentirely by socialist deputies and that it will be chaired by the president of the party and until now vice president of the Senate, christina narbona.

The Regulations of the Congress establish that this table will have in front of the oldest person of the 350 that make up the chamberwho will be assisted by the two youngest, as secretaries.

Congress begins the XV Legislature this Thursday with half of the deputies opening their seats

Congress will start this Thursday the XV Legislature with half of the 350 deputies opening a seat and with an average age higher than that of the previous one. Specifically, the largest age group is that of those between 51 and 60 years of age, in which a total of 142 elected representatives are concentrated.

According to the data provided to Europa Press by the institution, there are nine deputies under 30 years of age, 45 who are between 31 and 40, and 106 who are between 41 and half a century. This was the largest group in the legislature that is about to end but now they have taken over the 142 who are between 51 and 60 years. Above that age, 48 people have been counted.
