King Charles III: Balmoral is forbidden to play Monopoly

ci had thought mother Elizabeth to eliminate the irresistible Monopoly from the board games that she herself loved to collect in every Royal residence. And his son King Charles III is now making him the initiative, banning the pastime from the living rooms of Balmoral, where all the Windsors are gathering – in groups – these days. But why?

King Charles in a kilt, Camilla in a green trench coat: the new royal couple to conquer Scotland

King Charles III confirms: nothing at Balmoral Monopoly

Not the news will please the Royals, who look forward to spending a few weeks in the Scottish residence every year during the summer holidays, enjoying long walks, fishing and picnics. Everyone knows, however, that during the inevitable rainy days they will be forced to shut themselves up for hours in the halls of the castle. Playing helps pass the time. AND Monopoly it is by far their favorite game.

Because Queen Elizabeth did not love Monopoly

Queen Elisabetta, who enjoyed playing board games a lotcould not stand Monopoly. He called it an irritating, even brutal and violent game. Because right from the preparations, with the arrangement of the board, dice and counters, he transformed the character of the Royals, made them aggressive, caused quarrels, and not only among the younger ones.

King Charles III with his mother Elizabeth in Scotland, October 2021 (Getty Images)

A game that can transform Royals into mere mortals

Even the grown-ups, including the Queen’s sons (Prince Andrew and his brother Andrew are still keen players) indulged themselves. Everyone they lost the proverbial stiff upper lip Britishthat typical phlegm that usually never abandons them but that, playing at Monopoly even at Sandringham, during the Christmas holidays, it tended to disappear.

The terrible clashes of the Royals a Monopoly

The acquisition of land, buildings and rents turned every Royal, great or small, into a ruthless player. In trying to jail or bankrupt fellow players, voices were inevitably raised, the language certainly became more colorful and less Royal. And the quarrels, often violent, ended up irritating the queen who, increasingly annoyed, refused to participate and sometimes hurriedly left the room.

Carlo with the very young William and Harry at Balmoral, August 1997 (Getty Images)

When Elizabeth said: «Enough, do not play anymore Monopoly!»

One day, unable to take it any longer, Elizabeth ordered a footman to make the game box disappear, and her relatives to resist the temptation to bring another one to court. An initiative that now King Charles has decided to make his own. And in order not to anger grandfather, George, Charlotte and Louis will have to settle for quieter popular games. As I close And scrabble, Elizabeth’s favorites.

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