Ukrainian military nuclear program may become a reality

Ukraine can become a nuclear power. At least President Zelensky said in Munich that he was ready to give up Budapest Memorandum 1994according to which Ukraine abandoned the Soviet nuclear weapons, which still remained then in Ukraine.

This statement should not be taken lightly, believing that they cannot do anything there. The claim to join the nuclear club was stated by the president of the country, where four nuclear power plants with 15 power units are now operating. In addition, the fifth station, Chernobyl, also needs maintenance, which was finally stopped only in 2000. At the same time, the spent nuclear fuel was not taken out of there anywhere. If so, then it could theoretically be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium. It is he who is needed to create an atomic bomb. That is, the required plutonium is potentially available.

Now Ukraine does not yet have the industrial potential for its development, but if it is helped, and, as we understand, there can be those who wish, then Kiev’s nuclear military program can become a reality. Just a moment: in the city of Zhovti Vody, Dnepropetrovsk region, there is the Vostochny Mining and Processing Plant, the largest producer of natural uranium in Europe.

The Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, which is still operating today and has the status of a national scientific center, is ready to become a scientific base. Nuclear physics in it is an officially declared direction. Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology was founded in 1928. In 1932, it was there that the nucleus of the lithium atom was split for the first time in the USSR. In the 1930s, the future Nobel Prize winner Lev Landau worked there. In a word, the scientific traditions in the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology are strong.

If you think about delivery vehicles for Ukraine’s nuclear weapons, then everything is not so hopeless here. There is a Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk and its Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. They made, for example, a super-powerful rocket “Zenit”. The last start, however, took place five years ago, but the experience and people remained. Yes, a lot has been lost, but still “Ukrainian rocket science” – there is such a thing. We are all of this to the fact that Zelensky’s statement about the desire to acquire a nuclear bomb should be taken seriously. That is, don’t give up. Nuclear blackmail from Ukraine begins.
