Coronavirus provides further cause for concern

In the USA on January 4, absolute anti-record for the incidence of coronavirus – more than a million cases per day. The increase, it turns out, is twice as compared to the data on the last day of last year. Americans are sweeping express tests from drugstore shelves, and a kilometer long queues line up at test collection points.

Statistics are also growing in Sweden. She exceeded 11 thousand cases.

King Charles XVI Gustaf and his wife also tested positive. It is known that the royal couple was vaccinated with three doses of the vaccine. The spouse’s illness is mild.

But the Australian authorities are already openly declaring that all resources for testing the population in the country have been exhausted. The overwhelming majority of new infections, they say, are caused by the omicron strain.

Another cruise ship anchored in the Italian port. On board – 150 infections. Most of the ship’s passengers are Italians, but if they can be sent home, then foreigners will have to be examined and quarantined. The liner arrived from French Marseille… It was in this city that scientists announced the discovery of another, new, so far letterless strain of coronavirus. There is a new version, different from the “omicron” already prevailing in the country. There are almost 50 mutations. How dangerous is it, where did it get to Europe and are Western vaccines effective against it?

No sooner had the scientific world figured out the differences between the omicron strain and its predecessors, the coronavirus presented another cause for concern. A new variant with a record number of mutations, they counted as many as 46, was registered in the south of France, in Marseille. For comparison, the omicron has about 30 of them. WHO already has closely follow the behavior of the new strain.

Patient zero was a traveler returning from Cameroon. He is known to have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

So far known about 12 cases of infection, including among children. But in order to draw conclusions about the degree of danger of the new strain, the data scientists still lack, just as there is not enough agreement in the French parliament. The vaccine pass bill is under consideration there. The debate lasted until midnight and ended in nothing – the majority of the deputies present voted to postpone the discussion, contrary to the government’s opinion.

The Minister of Health is proposing to make vaccine passports mandatory for most public places. That is, both the certificate of the transferred covid and the presence of a negative test will no longer work. They wanted to get the bill through parliament very quickly – until January 15th. But the deputies made more than 500 amendments to it, which now are unlikely to be considered before the appointed date.

At the same time, the coronavirus is not going to stop there. So, in Germany, over the past day, we saw the first results of the New Year holidays – 50 thousand new cases were revealed in the country. And scientists are confident that the actual numbers are even higher, despite the fact that restrictions on gatherings have been in force in the country since December 28. You can only get to the nightclub to get vaccinated.

In Britain, where 187 thousand people were infected on the first working day of the new year, the government is still afraid to tighten restrictions. Unpopular measures will clearly not benefit Boris Johnson’s poverty-stricken ratings. The British press has again demonstrated that the prime minister ignored his own prescriptions a year ago. This time, there was evidence that Johnson did not self-isolate after contact with a sick person.


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