The situation in Russia and Ukraine: update on the latest developments | news item

News item | 16-02-2022 | 16:03

The situation on the border between Russia and Ukraine remains tense, despite international calls to de-escalate. In a letter to the House of Representatives, the cabinet lists the diplomatic efforts that are being made, and what the Dutch commitment is in this regard. And also what precautions the Netherlands will take should Russia invade Ukraine.

Developments at the border follow each other in rapid succession. Although Russia says it has no plans to invade Ukraine, Russian forces at the border are still significant. There are currently no signs that Russia is withdrawing its soldiers on a large scale.

Position of the Netherlands

The Netherlands wants to prevent tensions from escalating through international talks and diplomacy. That is and remains the core of the Dutch effort. But the cabinet also sees that diplomatic efforts have so far not created an opening.

It is not clear whether Russia will continue to talk until its demands are met. The risk of escalation remains. The cabinet is therefore preparing for all scenarios. This is done in close cooperation with our allies within the EU and NATO.

In addition to conversations, the Netherlands is committed to deterrence, for example by military contribution to existing NATO defenses in Eastern Europe. The Netherlands also strongly supports a strong message to Russia: the costs of any further aggression will be high.

Travel advice

It travel advice for Ukraine has been on red (‘no travel’) since February 12. The Dutch travel advice is therefore in line with other countries, including the United States and various European countries.

Dutch in Ukraine

The Dutch embassy in Kyiv organized an online information meeting for Dutch people in Ukraine on 11 February. In addition, the Netherlands has set up a meeting point in Lviv to provide emergency aid to Dutch people who want to cross the border.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged Dutch people in Ukraine to Register, so that the embassy knows how many Dutch people are in the country. It is just not possible to get a complete overview of how many Dutch people are in Ukraine. People are not obliged to register and also leave on their own.

Ukraine Embassy

The staff at the embassy in Kyiv has been reduced to a nuclear occupation. He will continue to work in the Ukrainian capital as long as it is still safe to do so. Sensitive equipment in the embassy has been disconnected and secured. The other employees and their family members will be returned to the Netherlands. A number of embassy employees have been transferred to the meeting point in Lviv.


The Netherlands supports a strong package of EU sanctions to keep Russia from any further aggression. There is now much consultation between countries within and outside the EU about this sanction package.

Support to Ukraine

Ukraine has previously made a request to the Netherlands to supply military goods. The government is currently considering this request. As soon as all steps have been completed, the cabinet will inform the House of Representatives about this separately.
