Travel constipation: causes and useful advice – iO Donna

THEthe beauty of vacationyou know, is being able to put the usual routine. The downside? Sometimes changing habits can cause some small problems to our body in general and to the intestine in particular which can be affected by changes, in terms of nutrition but not only, typical of when you travel. So what to do to avoid that annoying episodes of constipation ruin the holidays? We asked the doctor Maria Francesca Jaboli, gastroenterologist of Santagostino.

Travel constipation: what are the causes?

As we said, it often happens, on vacation, to find yourself dealing with constipation. Why does this happen?

“At the base there is a change of routine – explains Dr. Jaboli. – Change the meal times but also the type of meal consumed, are factors that act on intestinal balance. Often, for example, when on vacation you eat at the restaurant, focusing on a first or second course, but eat fewer vegetables than when you are at home. Furthermore, drink less water and perhaps we tend to consume more alcohol, which is a factor that has repercussions on intestinal well-being ».

At the base also the movement and psychological factors

Playing tricks can also be there lack of physical activity and “the mind”…

«On vacation, we often do less movement – ​​underlines the expert. – Maybe we walk but you don’t do sporting activities that take place during the year. Furthermore, many lack their own bathroom and privacy: there are in fact many people who, in order to be regular with their intestines, need their own routine, their own times. And this can be missing on vacation ».

Swollen belly?  Here are the possible causes and some useful remedies to adopt

Travel medications can also affect your gut

Sometimes some people contribute to constipation when on vacation medicines

“Some medications you take while travellingas an example those for seasickness or to manage anxiety from an airplane flight or even insomnia – continues the expert – they may have effects on intestinal balance and therefore contribute to the onset of constipation”.

Are there people more predisposed to this type of disorder?

“Definitely there travel constipation affects more people who particularly suffer from a change of routine – emphasizes Dr. Jaboli. – Not necessarily stressed or anxious people but definitely more habitual. Furthermore, usually, those people who are more prone to constipation on vacation they also tend to have problems with constipation at home».

Travel constipation: the rules to respect

To prevent constipation from spoiling the pleasure of your holiday, it may therefore be useful to keep a few rules in mind.

“First of all don’t stare – recommends the gastroenterologist. – So don’t think that since we are on vacation, we will surely get constipation. This is typically one of the main problems why the psyche plays tricks on you. Having said that, in addition to drinking lots of water, it is advisable do not exceed with alcohol and caffeine that reduce body hydration. And maybe try to do belly massages, starting with the palm of the hand from the lower part of the abdomen, to the right, and rotating it clockwise towards the anus to facilitate the descent of the stool. Also useful combine abdominal breathing with the massage that helps to relax the muscles and activate the intestines».

Yes to walks and the right foods

«Even trying to move is essential to restore the balance of the intestine – explains Dr. Jaboli. – So it can be useful take a walk after eatinginstead of immediately going to sleep or lying down underor in the sun. And then of course try to eat fibers such as fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, limiting saturated fats and particularly refined foods that slow down intestinal peristalsis».

Fruits and vegetables with the right precautions

As is known, therefore, the consumption of fruit and vegetables can help to counteract constipation. However, as long as you respect some rules. An example? Better eat fruit with peel.

«It is the reason why, in case of constipation, I advise against juices, extracts and centrifuged – explains the expert. – Why this way the fibers contained in the peel are thrown away. Go ahead instead fresh fruit, such as apples, pears, plums, kiwis, strawberries and cherries, in pieces and with the peel. AND without exceeding the quantities otherwise the fruit it ferments in the intestine producing swelling and pain. As a snack, even on vacation, you can choose dried fruit which has many fibers, vitamins, mineral salts and nutrients. As for vegetables, however, salad, spinach, artichokes, cauliflower and broccoli are good, but for some people they can cause swelling, so they are recommended carrots, fennel, courgettes, peppers, chard and cucumbers. Both during meals and as a snack».

Legumes and whole grains, even on vacation

Another good rule of thumb to prevent constipation on vacation is to focus on legumes.

«Perhaps combined with pasta, even in summer, lentils, chickpeas and beans can form a basis for nice mixed salads – suggests Dr. Jaboli – because they provide both fiber and protein for which they are preferable to cold cuts, meat, cheese and eggs. Also important focus on whole grains: this is because bran is eliminated in the refining process, i.e. the outer coating of the grain and like this a lot of fibers are lost. Not to mention that bran reduces the glycemic index».

Slow chewing helps

To prevent constipation, then, Also pay attention to how you eat.

«At least on vacation, when we are not overwhelmed by the frenetic rhythms of the daily routine, we should remember to chew slowly and for a long time – specifies the expert – because this allows you to better activate the digestive process. The fibers that are prebioticsthat is, they nourish the intestinal bacterial flora, if well chewed they act better on the intestine, counteracting constipation ».

Travel constipation: what remedies to pack

And if, despite good practices, you happen to come to terms with travel constipation, it may be useful to have some specific remedies in your suitcase.

“Generally fiber supplements are recommendedbut to be taken drinking lots of water otherwise they generate the opposite effect – explains Dr. Jaboli. – Plus you can carry probiotics with you paying attention to the formulation and dose. In fact, they must be stable, active lactic ferments with particular strains such as Lactobacillus acidophilus or rhamnosus or Bifidobacterium breve or longum or lactis or bifidumwhich help to maintain a balanced bacterial flora with benefits on intestinal motility. Even the herbal teas can provide simple and effective help to counteract constipation: the advice is to bring some herbal tea bags such as chamomile, fennel, dandelion, rhubarb, mallow or aniseed».

What about laxatives? “Better use them only occasionally because if not taken correctly they can cause problems – underlines the gastroenterologist. – Laxatives based on Seinethen, are not recommended because they stimulate evacuation by irritating the intestine and, in the long run, they can be annoying».

Travel constipation: never let too much time pass

Finally, it is good to keep in mind that in case of travel constipation it is better not to let too much time pass before solving the problem.

«When the intestine becomes “blocked”, you may experience swelling, a sense of abdominal distension, discomfort, which can also lead to pain and cramps – concludes the expert. – Not only, you may also feel nauseous because if the intestine is not emptied, the stomach is also affected. The advice is to don’t wait too many days before intervening: we often try to solve the problem by staying sitting on the toilet for a long time but it is something that I absolutely do not recommendbecause in the long run hemorrhoids and fissures develop. Also you lose the good habit of having a bowel movement when the urge arises and you end up contracting the muscles of the perineum instead of relaxing them, hindering the flow of feces. The worst risk, especially in the elderly, that’s what causes fecal impactionor of the accumulations of feces in the rectumwhich require timely medical intervention.

The dedicated podcast

Constipation will be one of the topics addressed in the new Santagostino podcast, scheduled for next fall. Entitled Evacuations” and produced by Studio Raheem, the podcast intends to let the audience discover, through a series of thematic episodeshow a seemingly trivial topic can actually be a key to understanding more about ourselves and the world we live in.

