general and by municipalities and provinces

One of the tightest electoral nights of Spanish democracy has resulted in the victory of Alberto Núñez FeijóoWhat have you achieved 136 deputies47 more than those achieved by his predecessor at the head of the party, paul marriedin the general elections of 2019. The conservative leader has surpassed almost fifteen seats to Pedro Sanchezalthough the acting President of the Government has succeeded in this appointment with the polls, improving the data from four years ago, going from 120 deputies to 122. However, both leaders depend on their natural partners for a hypothetical investiture. It is there where Feijóo comes out worse off, since with the 33 seats of Vox does not reach an absolute majority. On the other hand, the sum of Sánchez’s regular partners is closer to the 176 ‘yes’ to be sworn in in the first round: Sumar (31), ERC (7), EH Bildu (6), PNV (5) and BNG (1). Everything can be in the hands of Together, with 7 deputies.

Although far from the expectations that had been set in the PP itself, Feijóo has managed to be the winner in this 23-J, with 136 seats, a result very close to the 137 that Mariano Rajoy achieved in the electoral repetition of 2016. Thus, the leader of the PP has managed to surpass those harvested by the PSOE by 14 deputies. However, that distance is reduced to just 1.25% of the vote. With 99% of the scrutiny carried out, the conservatives have taken over the 32.98% of the votes, while the Socialists are in the 31.72%.

The popular victory is seen much better when analyzing the map of Spain, which, for the most part, has been dyed blue. The PP has obtained more seats in 9 of the 17 Spanish provinces: Galicia, Asturias, Castilla y León, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon, Valencian Community, Andalusia and Murcia. As well as in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The PSOE, by contrast, has devastated in Catalonia and it has also been done with victory in Navarre. In Cantabria, the Basque Country, La Rioja, Extremadura, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands there has been a tie between the two formations.

The fight for bronze

The fight for third position has been very close between vox and Add. Finally, the party led by Santiago Abascal has managed to enter the podium with 33 deputiesbut it has lost almost 2.7 percentage points compared to the figures it achieved in 2019, which represents a drop of 19 seats. In Andalusia, where the party managed in December 2018 to have representation in the institutions for the first time, they have obtained three fewer seats; in Castile and Leon, where they hold the vice presidency of the Board, have gone from six deputies to only one; in Castilla la Mancha from five to three; and in the Valencian Community from seven to five.

The leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, has remained a few tenths behind, who has won 31 seats, seven less than those obtained in the last elections by Unidas Podemos, Compromís and Más País, formations that in these elections have been presented under the baton of the second vice president. Díaz has won the vast majority of seats in those territories with large cities: Catalonia (7), Madrid (6), Andalusia (6) and Valencian Community (4).

the parliamentary arch

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The rest of the parliamentary arch is much less fragmented than after the 2019 elections. Of 19 parties that achieved representation four years ago, it goes to 11. In addition, the vast majority of them suffer a sharp electoral decline. The Catalan independence movement is the one that has been most affected. CKD it loses six seats and remains with seven deputies in the lower house; together, which in 2019 ran alongside the PDeCat, absorbs the vote of the post-convergents, but fails to revalidate the eight seats they won in the previous elections and loses one; finally, the CUP, which had two seats in Congress, does not get representation. In Catalonia it has been the PSC who has swept away, taking 19 of the 48 deputies that are distributed.

Another of the territorial battles that has been settled this Sunday is the fight between the GNP and EH Bildu. After a legislature in which the abertzale formation has been singled out by PP and Vox, EH Bildu has managed to wrest hegemony from those of Íñigo Urkullu, gaining six deputies, one more than they currently had. By contrast, the PNV has left a seat along the way and has fallen to five representatives. The parliamentary arc is completed Galician Nationalist Bloc (BNG), Canarian Coalition and Union of the Navarre People (UPN), all three with one seat each.
