Neighborhood not set up with plans for a new heliport in Ostend: ‘new locations are being investigated’

Neighborhood not set up with plans for a new heliport in Ostend: ‘new locations are being investigated’

Defense prefers a location near Raversijde, but local residents are against it.

They fear a lot of nuisance. “I think it’s absurd that a logical location for the helibase was not first thought about. Afterwards it is said: this is the most suitable location, but it is right next to everyone,” says Matthias Malfait, who has lived there all his life.

“In the middle of the buildings”

The local residents set up an action committee and sought support from the city council and opposition. Initially, there was no official complaint from the city against the arrival at that location, but it was the opposition that took action.

“The decision and the preparations were based on one location, in the middle of the built-up area. We did not think that was possible, so we are very happy that they have decided today to investigate several locations,” says John Crombez, opposition council member of Vooruit Oostende.

Conciliatory role

However, that is not yet the final stop for the action committee. “The fact that they do not exclude this track is very bitter. We just want them to delete that location as a possibility.”

“We cannot decide on this ourselves, but we can give advice”, says alderman Charlotte Verkeyn. “We can try to play a conciliatory role in that.”

The plans to move the base of the Defense rescue helicopters from Koksijde to Ostend have been around for almost five years. This should be the case by 2026.
