Ajax cancels practice match with Telstar three days in advance

Telstar’s practice match against Jong Ajax will not take place this Saturday. The Amsterdam club has announced that it will pull the plug from the game. It is unusual for a game to be canceled so late.

Ajax informed the people of Velsen yesterday about the cancellation of the exhibition match. “It is frustrating, because it is a beautiful poster,” says a Telstar spokesperson. The club was already busy preparing. “We expected a lot of people for the game.”

“A major setback, for our preparation, but also for the people who were looking forward to this beautiful poster. “, says technical manager Peter Hofstede on the website. “We are currently looking diligently for a replacement and suitable practice partner for the coming weekend.”

Inquiries at Ajax have not yet yielded a clear answer as to why the club has canceled the match. Possibly the program of the first of Ajax, which practices against Anderlecht, is preferred.
