Mark Rutte never again on television after saying goodbye: ‘No, not really’

Mark Rutte will never appear on Dutch television again after his retirement as outgoing prime minister, he says in front of Jaïr Ferwerda’s camera. “No not at all.”


Mark Rutte’s farewell from politics is near: the elections are on November 22, followed by a normally lengthy formation process and when the compromises have been made, our outgoing prime minister will disappear into anonymity. He himself claims that he will never be in front of a TV camera again.

Never again on TV

Jaïr Ferwerda asks him in his section, which was broadcast in Renze last night: “Will you become a kind of oracle from Benoordenhout?”

Then Rutte says firmly: “No, no, no, you will not see me on TV again after this. No not at all.”

Rutte’s chatter that Today Inside after his retirement as prime minister a chair can move at the table, is indeed meant jokingly. After all, never again on TV also means never again in a talk show.


The editors of Renze speak of a ‘striking statement’, but PowNed program maker Christo Ruijs thinks that is not too bad. He tweets: “What do you mean ‘conspicuous’? After their departure from the Binnenhof, you never saw Balkenende and Kok sitting at discussion tables to discuss current political events.”

One Anne-Marie thinks it’s a nice decision by the prime minister: “Wonderful, someone who won’t be rambling about what should be done differently and: ‘In my time we did that or something like that’.”


Jair with Rutte:
