Inter-Lukaku, it’s over: total breakup | Transfer market

The viale della Liberazione club has decided not to pursue the attacker anymore after the change of direction: stop the negotiations with the Blues, other profiles are evaluated

Eventually the breakup consummated. In the end, Inter’s disappointment, feeling stabbed in the back by Lukaku, led to an extreme decision: to unload the player, remove him from the shopping list. The Belgian, who first ardently wanted the Nerazzurri and then gave his lawyer the mandate to flirt with other clubs (Juve in primis), therefore ceases to be a market target for the Nerazzurri. After having reached an agreement with Chelsea yesterday for the definitive transfer at a cost of 35 million plus 5, Inter has recently communicated to them Blues the step back. To make ends meet, only the yes of the player was missing, for a long time taken for granted even by those around him, and instead things have precipitated in the last few hours and have taken an unpredictable turn.

New goals

The pact of honor that bound the Belgian to the Nerazzurri, the very presupposition of the negotiation, was broken by the player’s decision, seduced by the flattery of other clubs, Juve in primis, with which his lawyer, Sebastian Ledure, found a principle of understood. On his part Inter, after a fiery phone call on Friday night, took the morning to decide on the break. But the wound is too big to heal: for the leaders and President Zhang, the very principles of loyalty and correctness have disappeared. Romelu’s agency, Roc Nation, overtaken by Ledure’s agitation and his influence over the player, will today try to put the pieces back together in extremis and will try a last desperate mediation. However, a change of course by Lukaku would be needed, who now also risks losing the collaboration with the American group to which he had tied himself hand and foot before his infatuation with Ledure. Rom is now waiting for news on other fronts: he should wait for the deal with Juve to unblock, but the total 40 million offered by the bianconeri are conditional on the sale of Vlahovic. It has to happen quickly because Chelsea expect to sell him immediately (for this reason they had reached total agreement with Inter), otherwise they’ll be waiting for him in training camp on Monday. The Nerazzurri, on the other hand, are already browsing the margherita on the market in search of an alternative center forward to Romelu.
