The debate to 7, an examination to the supports of each block


07/13/2023 at 19:36


The spokesmen and parliamentary leaders of PSOE, PP, Vox, Sumar, ERC, PNV and EH Bildu confront their proposals on TVE

The possible reissue of the parliamentary support that the ERC, PNV and EH Bildu have given to the coalition government chaired by Pedro Sánchez in this legislature will be key in the only debate with the representation of all political parties, which is being held today.

The spokespersons and parliamentary leaders of the PSOE (Patxi López), the PP (Cuca Gamarra), Vox (Iván Espinosa de los Monteros), Sumar (Aina Vidal), ERC (Gabriel Rufián), the PNV (Aitor Esteban) and from EH Bildu (Oskar Matute) face each other at 10:00 p.m. in a new debate organized by RTVE to expose their programs, demands or red lines before 23J.

On a day in which the CIS takes the pulse of the intention to vote of the Spanish and the leadership of the political leaders, the spokespersons of the political groups will fight for 125 minutes around four thematic blocks: Economy; social policy; Territorial policies and State and post-election pacts.

A meeting in Estudio 6 in Prado del Rey that will be moderated by the journalist Xabier Fortesbroadcast with subtitles and in sign language and which takes place three days after the face-to-face between the candidate and Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

On this occasion it will be the historic socialist, former lehendakari and now number 1 for Vizcaya in Congress, Patxi López, the one who will face the general secretary of the PP and spokesperson, Cuca Gamarraafter the euphoria that Feijóo’s intervention in Atresmedia has unleashed among the popular.

In addition, after some polls in different media reflect a loss of seats for the PSOE and a rise in the PP after that face-to-face, the Socialists could take advantage of the meeting to come back by dismantling “the lies” that they denounce the leader of the popular .

The PSOE will continue with its strategy of influencing the return to the past that the PP pacts with Vox entailwhile the right-wing formations will warn of the support that the socialists and Sumar could seek with the Basque and Catalan independentistas.

CKDFor his part, he has already demanded that the PSOE clarify whether it would facilitate an investiture for Feijóo and Rufián recently warned that his formation will only support an “increasingly hypothetical” investiture for Sánchez if he knows how to defend Catalonia“to their people and their freedom.”

In this sense, the ERC parliamentary leader will also ask the candidate for Add and spokesperson for En Comú, Aína Vidal, to take a position on a possible self-determination referendum in Catalonia.

vox He could direct his attacks towards a PP that denies agreeing with them, in addition to criticizing the parliamentary pacts of the Socialists with EH Bildu, whom he considers the political arm of ETA.

The parliamentary spokesmen will have almost 18 minutes to debatewith opening and closing shifts for each block already established by draw.

They will also have the so-called final golden minute to ask for the vote and justify it.
