A drunk tourist cuts the neck with a bottle to the deputy manager of a hotel in Ibiza

The deputy manager of a hotel in Sant Antoni (Ibiza) is admitted to serious condition at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic after being assaulted on Sunday afternoon by a drunk British tourist who refused to pay the bill.

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Apparently the attacker was sitting at a table with other people who refused to pay for the drinks. First they pushed the waitress and, when the assistant manager approached them to recriminate her behavior, this woman got up and with a broken bottle he cut his neck, according to sources close to the case. The facts have been reported to the Civil Guard, which is looking for the aggressor, who He fled.

The victim, Spanish and about 30 years old, was first treated at the Sant Antoni health center and from there she was transferred to the Ibiza clinic, where she was operated on the same Sunday and on Monday night she was operated on again. due to the serious injuries caused by the client of the hotel, located in Sant Antoni and with a mainly British clientele.
