In the DNR limited the issuance of cash

Against the background of the evacuation that has begun, residents of the DPR will be given no more than 10 thousand rubles. one card per day. This will provide access to cash to all residents of the republic, explained in the Central Republican Bank

The Central Republican Bank (CRB) of the DPR has temporarily limited the issuance of cash, according to message jar. The daily limit for issuing money on one card will be 10 thousand rubles.

The regulator explained that the measure was taken “in order to ensure the uninterrupted supply of cash to the citizens of the republic during the period of the special mode of operation of the Central Republican Bank.” At the same time, cashless payments in stores and other organizations are not limited.

“This temporary measure will allow all residents to have access to cash, regardless of the amount of income and savings,” the Central District Hospital explained.

Refugees from the DPR are taken to Russia by train. Video

The day before, the regulator published message that against the backdrop of the evacuation of residents of the DPR to Russia, the bank continues to operate and ensure settlements in the economy, the payment of pensions, and the flow of cash to ATMs.
