EU budget for 2024: countries want to budget 187 billion euros

BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) – The EU countries have agreed on a common position on the draft EU budget for 2024. The ambassadors of the states agreed on Wednesday in Brussels that around 187 billion euros should be planned for next year’s budget, according to a statement by the states.

The position has yet to be formally determined and should then form the basis for negotiations with the European Parliament on the 2024 budget. Last year, the federal states and parliament agreed on 186.6 billion euros for the 2023 budget. According to the will of the EU Commission, the budget for 2024 should amount to 189.3 billion euros.

The 2024 plan will be the fourth under the so-called Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period 2021-2027. In 2020, after tough negotiations, the EU agreed on a joint budget of around 1.1 trillion euros. At the end of June, the EU Commission asked the member states for an additional 66 billion euros for the coming years in view of the lack of money in the long-term community budget. Germany, among others, had criticized the demands./red/DP/he
