plot of the film |io Donna

Preacher and slave, in Virginia in 1831 ignited the first revolutionary spark in the civil conscience of a people. There is the fascinating and controversial figure of Nat Turner at the center of the film on air tonight at 21.35 on Channel 5. The Birth of a Nation – The awakening of a people won two awards atthe Sundance Film Festival in 2016 (Audience Award and Grand Jury Prize). The film is directed, written and performed by Nate Parkeran African-American actor making his directorial debut, who worked on the project for nearly ten years, investing $100,000 of his own money.

Armie Hammer, the accusations of cannibalism and the farewell to the film with Jennifer Lopez

The Birth of a Nation – The awakening of a peoplethe plot of the movie

It is 1809 and in Southampton County, Virginia, lives Nat Turner (Nate Parker), an educated slave. One evening, his father Isaac (Dwight Henry) tries to steal food to feed his children. He is intercepted by Raymond Cobb (Jackie Earle Hailey), the leader of a gang of slave traders. Just before he’s executed, he manages to free himself by killing a member of the gang.

He goes home quickly and informs his family that he has to leave as soon as possible. And, after saying goodbye to Nat, he leaves the scene. The boy, his mother and his grandmother are joined by Cobb, but intervenes Benjamin Turner (Danny Vinson), the head of the cotton plantationwhich prevents Nat and his family from incurring unpleasant consequences.

Over time, Elizabeth Turner (Penelope Ann Miller), Benjamin’s wife, understands that Nat is a very intelligent child and teaches him to readstarting from the Bible. The little slave gets passionate and he becomes the preacher of his community. Also, the white slavers they entrust him with the task of teaching the other slaves obedienceto avoid any retaliation.

Nat and Samuel Turner discover the real conditions of the other slaves

Start reading the Holy Scriptures even during mass. Benjamin falls ill with tuberculosis and, before dying, asks his wife to make Nat work as a labourer. As an adult, Nat divides his time between working on the plantation and reading the Bible to the slaves. AND Benjamin’s son Samuel Turner (Armie Hammer) takes over the plantation.

During an auction, Nat falls in love with Cherry (Aja Naomi King), a slave girl for sale. He suggests that Samuel buy it as a wedding present for his sister Catherine. So they get married and have a daughter. Some time later, the economic conditions of the South worsened, many slaves struggle to feed their children and many plantation owners fear that riots could flare up.

Reverend Walthall (Mark Boone Junior) intervenes, proposing a deal to Samuel. He proposes to visit the other plantations together with Nat as a preacher, in order to convince the slaves that their condition is justified by the Bible. If he accepts, the other owners will give him money. Although he is not particularly persuaded, he accepts.

Nate Parker, protagonist and director of “The Birth of a Nation – The awakening of a people”. (IPA)

They leave for the other plantations and a frightening scene unfolds before their eyes. They note the state of decay in which the slaves live, in addition to the desperate conditions due to the terrible mistreatment inflicted by the owners. When Nat’s grandmother dies, the boy decides to rebel against the slavers. It’s 1831 and he organizes clandestine meetings with some slaves he trusts, including a young man from another plantation: together they prepare the revolt.

The Birth of a Nation – The awakening of a peoplefinal and complete cast of the film

THE rebels enter the master’s house and kill Samuel. After that they round up more slaves. Overnight, they take over other plantations, killing the slavers. They notice that the boy from the other plantation is missing and realize that he has betrayed them. Shortly thereafter, in fact, they are ambushed by a group of white men and are forced to retreat.

The following morning they go to Jerusalem to get some weapons. Here they meet another group of white men, led by Cobb, who is killed by Nat. Having stained your hands with blood turns out to be in vain, because thereThe arsenal they were looking for is empty and they are joined by a group of soldiers. It’s the end. Everyone dies, except Nat, who runs away.

He manages to see his wife Cherry again in great secrecy and understands that his presence could set off bloody retaliation and more bloodshed. So surrenders and is sentenced to death.

Birth of a nationthe same title as Griffith’s 1915 film

The film takes up the title, reversing the meaning, of the film by The DW Griffith, from 1915: a milestone in silent cinema centered on the work of protecting the social order of the Ku Klux Klan, threatened by the integration of blacks. This time at the center of the story is instead the awareness of African Americans to have the same rights as others. “By reusing this title I hope to right an injustice, transforming the title into a work of art that can encourage and direct us all towards reconciliation and positivity”, wrote Parker in the director’s notes for the presentation of the film at the 11th Rome Film Fest.

The cast includes Colmano Domingo (Hark Turner), Aunjanue Ellis (Nancy Turner)Esther Scott (Bridget Turner), Roger Guenveur Smith (Isaiah), Gabrielle Union (Esther) and Tony Espinosa (young Nat Turner). Rounding out are Jason Warner Smith (Hank Fowler), Jason Stuart (Joseph Randall) and Steve Coulter (General Childs).

